Aspose.PDF .NET New Release Release Notes

In this release:

New features added:1) Inline paragraph. A new property InlineParagraph is added into Segment class. Image, Graph, FormField andAttachment can be used as inline paragraph. An example can be found at.2) Custom watermark. A new property Watermarks is added into Pdf class. An example for custom watermarkcan be found at .3) Table broken control at row level. A new property IsBroken is added into Row class.4) Using Row.DefaultCellTextInfo property from XML. Refer to .5) Memory image for all image type is supported. A new property ImageInfo.ImageStream is added. Please refer to and .6) A new method Pdf.GetStringWidth() is added. Refer to 7) Vertical aligmnent for rowspan is supported. Please refer to 8) Auto scale of large image when it is too large is supported.9) Floating box in table is supported.

Features improved:1) Inline HTML in floating box is supported. Refer to 2) Text field has been improved. It can be displayed and printed well now.3) Page number ($p and $P) displaying is improved.4) Center and right alignment for multiple-segment text is improved. Refer to .5) HTML2PDF is improved. Text in body element is supported; “dfn” tag is supported; “hr” tag is improved; “ul”,“ol”,“li” tags are improved; Table support is improved; “hspace” and “vspace” in “img” tag is supported.