Add Image to Existing PDF File

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Every PDF page contains Resources and Contents properties. Resources can be images and forms for example, while content is represented by a set of PDF operators. Each operator has its name and argument. This example uses operators to add an image to a PDF file.

To add an image to an existing PDF file:

  • Create a Document object and open the input PDF document.
  • Get the page you want to add an image to.
  • Add a new page to the document.
  • Set the size of the page to 1190.7 x 841.995.
  • Add an image to the page using the specified image file and the crop box of the page.
  • Save the file.

The following code snippet shows how to add the image in a PDF document.

    // Open the document using the specified input file.
    $document = new Document($inputFile);
    // Add a new page to the document.
    $page = $document->getPages()->add();
    // Set the size of the page to 1190.7 x 841.995.
    $page->setPageSize(1190.7, 841.995);
    // Add an image to the page using the specified image file and the crop box of the page.
    $page->addImage($imageFileName, $page->getCropBox());
    // Save the modified document to the specified output file.
    // Close the document.