Create or Add Table In PDF
Adding Table in Existing PDF Document
To add a table to an existing PDF file with Aspose.PDF for PHP, take the following steps:
- Load the source file.
- Initialize a table
- Set the table border color as LightGray
- Set the border for table cells
- Create a loop to add 10 rows
- Add table object to first page of input document
- Save the file.
The following code snippets show how to add text in an existing PDF file.
// Open document
$document = new Document($inputFile);
// Initializes a new instance of the Table
$table = new Table();
$colors= new Color();
// Set the table border color as LightGray
$borderSide = new BorderSide();
$borderInfo = new BorderInfo($borderSide->All, 0.5, $colors->getLightGray());
// set the border for table cells
// create a loop to add 10 rows
for ($row_count = 1; $row_count < 10; $row_count++) {
// add row to table
$row = $table->getRows()->add();
// add table cells
$row->getCells()->add("Column (" . $row_count . ", 1)");
$row->getCells()->add("Column (" . $row_count . ", 2)");
$row->getCells()->add("Column (" . $row_count . ", 3)");
// Add table object to first page of input document
// Save resulting PDF document.