Add Text to PDF file
To add text to existing PDF file:
- Open the input PDF using the Document object.
- Get the particular page to which you want to add the text.
- Create a text fragment with the content “Aspose.PDF”.
- Set the position of the text fragment on the page.
- Set the text properties of the text fragment.
- Create a TextBuilder object for the page.
- Append the text fragment to the PDF page.
- Save the resulting PDF document to the output file.
Adding Text
The following code snippet shows you how to add text in an existing PDF file.
// Open document
$document = new Document($inputFile);
// get particular page
$page = $document->getPages()->add();
// create text fragment
$textFragment = new TextFragment("Aspose.PDF");
$textFragment->setPosition(new Position(80, 700));
// set text properties
$fontRepository = new FontRepository();
$colors = new Color();
// create TextBuilder object
$textBuilder = new TextBuilder($page);
// append the text fragment to the PDF page
// Save resulting PDF document.