Extract fonts from PDF
In case you want to get all fonts from a PDF document, you can use Document.IDocumentFontUtilities.getAllFonts() method provided in Document class. Please check following code snippet in order to get all fonts from an existing PDF document:
// Create a new instance of the License class and set the license file.
$licenceObject = new License();
// Set the path to the directory containing the PDF document and the output directory for the extracted fonts.
$dataDir = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "samples";
$inputFile = $dataDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "sample.pdf";
// Initialize the response data variable.
$responseData = "";
try {
// Load the PDF document.
$document = new Document($inputFile);
// Get all the fonts used in the PDF document.
$fonts = java_values($document->getFontUtilities()->getAllFonts());
// Iterate over each font and save it as a TrueType font file.
foreach ($fonts as $font) {
// Set the output file path for the font file.
$outputFile = $dataDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "results" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $font->getFontName() . ".ttf";
// Create a FileOutputStream object to write the font file.
$fontStream = new java("java.io.FileOutputStream", $outputFile);
// Save the font as a TrueType font file.
// Close the font stream.
// Append the font name to the response data.
$responseData = $responseData . $font->getFontName() . ", ";
// Close the PDF document.