Add Pages in PDF with Python via C++

Insert Empty Page in a PDF File at Desired Location

The code snippet opens a PDF document, adds an empty page to it, and saves the modified document as a new PDF file.

To insert an empty page in a PDF file:

  1. Open the PDF document
  2. Add a new blank page to the document
  3. Save the modified document to the output file with ‘’ method

The following code snippet shows you how to insert a page in a PDF file:

    import AsposePDFPythonWrappers as apw
    import AsposePDFPython as apCore
    import os
    import os.path

    # Set the directory path where the sample PDF files are located
    dataDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "samples")

    # Set the input file path
    input_file = os.path.join(dataDir, "sample0.pdf")

    # Set the output file path
    output_file = os.path.join(dataDir, "results", "blank_pdf_document.pdf")

    # Open the PDF document
    document = apw.Document(input_file)

    # Add a new blank page to the document

    # Save the modified document to the output file