Set Size of PDF using pythob via C++

Set Size of PDF file

Aspose.PDF for Python via C++ lets you read and set properties of pages in a PDF file in your Python applications.

The next code snippet opens a PDF file, resizes the first page by adjusting the Crop box (the crop box is the “page” size at which your PDF document is displayed in Adobe Acrobat), and saves the modified document to a new file.

  1. Create a document object from the input file
  2. Get the pages collection from the document using document_get_pages
  3. Get the first page from the pages collection with page_collection_get_page
  4. Get the crop box rectangle from the page using page_get_rectangle
  5. Calculate the new coordinates for the crop box
  6. Update the crop box coordinates with the new values
  7. Save the modified document to the output file with ‘’ method

    import AsposePDFPython as apCore
    import os
    import os.path

    # Get the current working directory and create the path to the "samples" directory
    dataDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "samples")

    # Create the input and output file paths
    input_file = os.path.join(dataDir, "sample0.pdf")
    output_file = os.path.join(dataDir, "results", "resized_document.pdf")

    # Create a document object from the input file
    doc = apCore.document_create_from_file(inputFile)

    # Get the pages collection from the document
    pages = apCore.document_get_pages(doc)

    # Get the first page from the pages collection
    page = apCore.page_collection_get_page(pages, 1)

    # Get the crop box rectangle from the page
    crop_box = apCore.page_get_rectangle(page)

    # Calculate the new coordinates for the crop box
    LLX = apCore.rectangle_get_LLX(crop_box) + 10
    LLY = apCore.rectangle_get_LLY(crop_box) + 10
    URX = apCore.rectangle_get_URX(crop_box) - 10
    URY = apCore.rectangle_get_URY(crop_box) - 10

    # Update the crop box coordinates with the new values
    apCore.rectangle_set_LLX(crop_box, LLX)
    apCore.rectangle_set_LLY(crop_box, LLY)
    apCore.rectangle_set_URX(crop_box, URX)
    apCore.rectangle_set_URY(crop_box, URY)

    # Save the modified document to the output file
    apCore.document_save(doc, output_file)

    # Close the document handle