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每个 PDF 页面包含资源和内容属性。资源可以是图像和表单,而内容由一组 PDF 操作符表示。每个操作符都有其名称和参数。此示例使用操作符将图像添加到 PDF 文件中。
以下代码片段也适用于 Aspose.PDF.Drawing 库。
要将图像添加到现有 PDF 文件中:
// For complete examples and data files, visit
private static void AddImageToPDF()
// The path to the documents directory
var dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_WorkingDocuments();
// Open PDF document
using (var document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(dataDir + "AddImage.pdf"))
// Set coordinates for the image placement
int lowerLeftX = 100;
int lowerLeftY = 100;
int upperRightX = 200;
int upperRightY = 200;
// Get the page where image needs to be added
var page = document.Pages[1];
// Load image into stream
using (var imageStream = new FileStream(dataDir + "AddImage.jpg", FileMode.Open))
// Add image to Images collection of Page Resources
// Using GSave operator: this operator saves the current graphics state
page.Contents.Add(new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.GSave());
// Create Rectangle and Matrix objects to define image positioning
var rectangle = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(lowerLeftX, lowerLeftY, upperRightX, upperRightY);
var matrix = new Aspose.Pdf.Matrix(new double[] { rectangle.URX - rectangle.LLX, 0, 0, rectangle.URY - rectangle.LLY, rectangle.LLX, rectangle.LLY });
// Using ConcatenateMatrix operator: defines how the image must be placed
page.Contents.Add(new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.ConcatenateMatrix(matrix));
// Retrieve the added image and use Do operator to draw it
var ximage = page.Resources.Images[page.Resources.Images.Count];
page.Contents.Add(new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.Do(ximage.Name));
// Using GRestore operator: this operator restores the graphics state
page.Contents.Add(new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.GRestore());
// Save PDF document
document.Save(dataDir + "AddImage_out.pdf");
还有一种替代的、更简单的方法可以将图像添加到 PDF 文件中。您可以使用 PdfFileMend 类的 AddImage 方法。 AddImage 方法需要添加的图像、需要添加图像的页面编号和坐标信息。之后,使用 Close 方法保存更新后的 PDF 文件。以下代码片段向您展示如何在现有 PDF 文件中添加图像。
// For complete examples and data files, visit
private static void AddImageToPDFUsingPdfFileMender()
// The path to the documents directory
var dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_WorkingDocuments();
// Define image file and output PDF file paths
var imageFileName = Path.Combine(dataDir, "Images", "Sample-01.jpg");
// Create PDF document
using (var document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document())
// Add first page with specified size
var page = document.Pages.Add();
page.SetPageSize(Aspose.Pdf.PageSize.A3.Height, Aspose.Pdf.PageSize.A3.Width);
// Add second page
page = document.Pages.Add();
// Create PdfFileMend object
var mender = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileMend(document);
// Add image to the first page using the mender
mender.AddImage(imageFileName, 1, 0, 0, (float)page.CropBox.Width, (float)page.CropBox.Height);
// Save PDF document
document.Save(dataDir + "AddImageMender_out.pdf");
有时,在将图像插入 PDF 之前,有必要裁剪图像。您可以使用 AddImage()
// For complete examples and data files, visit
private static void AddCroppedImageToPDF()
// The path to the documents directory
var dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Images();
// Define image file and output PDF file paths
var imageFileName = Path.Combine(dataDir, "Images", "Sample-01.jpg");
var outputPdfFileName = dataDir + "Example-add-image-mender.pdf";
// Open PDF document
using (var document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document())
// Open image stream
using (var imgStream = File.OpenRead(imageFileName))
// Define the rectangle where the image will be placed on the PDF page
var imageRect = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(17.62, 65.25, 602.62, 767.25);
// Crop the image to half its original width and height
var w = imageRect.Width / 2;
var h = imageRect.Height / 2;
var bbox = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(imageRect.LLX, imageRect.LLY, imageRect.LLX + w, imageRect.LLY + h);
// Add page
var page = document.Pages.Add();
// Insert the cropped image onto the page, specifying the original position (imageRect)
// and the cropping area (bbox)
page.AddImage(imgStream, imageRect, bbox);
// Save PDF document to the specified file path
document.Save(dataDir + "AddCroppedImageMender_out.pdf");
// For complete examples and data files, visit
private static void AddingImageAndPreserveAspectRatioIntoPDF()
// The path to the documents directory
var dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Images();
// Load the image
using (var bitmap = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(dataDir + "InputImage.jpg"))
// Get the original width and height of the image
int width = bitmap.Width;
int height = bitmap.Height;
// Create PDF document
using (var document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document())
// Add page
var page = document.Pages.Add();
// Define the scaled width and height while preserving the aspect ratio
int scaledWidth = 400;
int scaledHeight = scaledWidth * height / width;
// Add the image to the page
page.AddImage(dataDir + "InputImage.jpg", new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(10, 10, scaledWidth, scaledHeight));
// Save PDF document
document.Save(dataDir + "PreserveAspectRatio.pdf");
可以对图像应用不同类型的压缩以减少其大小。应用于图像的压缩类型取决于源图像的 ColorSpace,即如果图像是彩色(RGB),则应用 JPEG2000 压缩,如果是黑白,则应应用 JBIG2/JBIG2000 压缩。因此,识别每种图像类型并使用适当的压缩类型将产生最佳/优化的输出。
PDF 文件可能包含文本、图像、图形、附件、注释等元素,如果源 PDF 文件包含图像,我们可以确定图像的颜色空间并应用适当的压缩以减少 PDF 文件大小。以下代码片段展示了识别 PDF 中的图像是彩色还是黑白的步骤。
// For complete examples and data files, visit
private static void ExtractImageTypesFromPDF()
// The path to the documents directory
var dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Images();
// Counters for grayscale and RGB images
int grayscaled = 0;
int rgb = 0;
// Open PDF document
using (var document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(dataDir + "ExtractImages.pdf"))
// Iterate through all pages in the document
foreach (Aspose.Pdf.Page page in document.Pages)
var abs = new Aspose.Pdf.ImagePlacementAbsorber();
// Get the count of images on the current page
Console.WriteLine("Total Images = {0} on page number {1}", abs.ImagePlacements.Count, page.Number);
// Iterate through all the image placements on the page
int image_counter = 1;
foreach (Aspose.Pdf.ImagePlacement ia in abs.ImagePlacements)
// Determine the color type of the image
var colorType = ia.Image.GetColorType();
switch (colorType)
case Aspose.Pdf.ColorType.Grayscale:
Console.WriteLine("Image {0} is Grayscale...", image_counter);
case Aspose.Pdf.ColorType.Rgb:
Console.WriteLine("Image {0} is RGB...", image_counter);
image_counter += 1;
可以控制添加到 PDF 文件中的图像的质量。使用 XImageCollection 类中的重载 Replace 方法。
以下代码片段演示如何将文档中的所有图像转换为使用 80% 质量进行压缩的 JPEG。
// For complete examples and data files, visit
private static void ReplaceImagesInPDF()
// The path to the documents directory
var dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Images();
// Open PDF document
using (var document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(dataDir + "ReplaceImages.pdf"))
// Iterate through all pages in the document
foreach (Aspose.Pdf.Page page in document.Pages)
int idx = 1;
// Iterate through all images in the page's resources
foreach (Aspose.Pdf.XImage image in page.Resources.Images)
using (var imageStream = new MemoryStream())
// Save the image as JPEG with 80% quality
image.Save(imageStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
// Replace the image in the page's resources
page.Resources.Images.Replace(idx, imageStream, 80);
idx = idx + 1;
// Save PDF document
document.Save(dataDir + "ReplaceImages_out.pdf");
代码片段加载一个 PDF,打开两个图像文件,并将这些图像作为模板蒙版应用于 PDF 第一页的前两个图像。
可以通过 ‘XImage.AddStencilMask(Stream maskStream)’ 方法添加模板蒙版:
// For complete examples and data files, visit
private static void AddStencilMasksToImages()
// The path to the documents directory
var dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Images();
// Open PDF document
using (var document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(dataDir + "AddStencilMasksToImages.pdf"))
// Open the first mask image file
using (var fs1 = new FileStream(dataDir + "mask1.jpg", FileMode.Open))
// Open the second mask image file
using (var fs2 = new FileStream(dataDir + "mask2.png", FileMode.Open))
// Apply stencil mask to the first image on the first page
// Apply stencil mask to the second image on the first page
// Save PDF document
document.Save(dataDir + "AddStencilMasksToImages_out.pdf");
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