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本主题描述了如何使用 C# 程序化地更新或更改现有 PDF 文件中页面的方向。
以下代码片段也适用于 Aspose.PDF.Drawing 库。
从 Aspose.PDF for .NET 9.6.0 版本开始,我们添加了很棒的新功能,例如将页面方向从横向更改为纵向,反之亦然。要更改页面方向,请使用以下代码片段设置页面的 MediaBox。您还可以通过使用 Rotate() 方法设置旋转角度来更改页面方向。
// For complete examples and data files, visit
private static void ChangePageOrientation()
// The path to the documents directory
var dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Pages();
// Open PDF document
using (var document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(dataDir + "RotatePagesInput.pdf"))
foreach (Page page in document.Pages)
Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle r = page.MediaBox;
double newHeight = r.Width;
double newWidth = r.Height;
double newLLX = r.LLX;
// We must to move page upper in order to compensate changing page size
// (lower edge of the page is 0,0 and information is usually placed from the
// Top of the page. That's why we move lover edge upper on difference between
// Old and new height.
double newLLY = r.LLY + (r.Height - newHeight);
page.MediaBox = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(newLLX, newLLY, newLLX + newWidth, newLLY + newHeight);
// Sometimes we also need to set CropBox (if it was set in original file)
page.CropBox = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(newLLX, newLLY, newLLX + newWidth, newLLY + newHeight);
// Setting Rotation angle of page
page.Rotate = Rotation.on90;
// Save PDF document
document.Save(dataDir + "ChangeOrientation_out.pdf");
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