מפתח סיכום קטגוריה
PSDNET-1871 [AI Format] Add XObjectForm resource handling תכונה
PSDNET-1961 Add Constructor for the ShapeLayer תכונה
PSDNET-1879 תיקון להמרת קובץ Psd מ-RGB ל-CMYK באג
PSDNET-1966 קובץ PSD ספציפי לא יכול להיוצא באמצעות Aspose.PSD באג

שינויי API הציבוריים

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דוגמאות שימוש:

PSDNET-1871. [AI Format] Add XObjectForm resource handling

string sourceFile = Path.Combine(baseFolder, "example.ai");
string outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "example.png");

using (AiImage image = (AiImage)Image.Load(sourceFile))
    image.Save(outputFilePath, new PngOptions());

PSDNET-1879. תיקון להמרת קובץ Psd מ-RGB ל-CMYK

// בדיקה שקובץ psd המומר ל-CMYK + RLE 4 ערוצים מתוך קובץ psd ב-RGB + RLE 4 ערוצים, באמת יש לו 4 ערוצים
// ו-HasTransparencyData == שקר.

string sourceFile = Path.Combine(baseFolder, "frog_nosymb.psd");
string outputFile = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "frog_nosymb_output.psd");

using (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile))
    psdImage.HasTransparencyData = false;

    PsdOptions psdOptions = new PsdOptions(psdImage)
        ColorMode = ColorModes.Cmyk,
        CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod.RLE,
        ChannelsCount = 4,

    psdImage.Save(outputFile, psdOptions);

using (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(outputFile))
    AssertAreEqual(false, psdImage.HasTransparencyData);
    AssertAreEqual((ushort)4, psdImage.Layers[0].ChannelsCount);

void AssertAreEqual(object expected, object actual, string message = null)
    if (!object.Equals(expected, actual))
        throw new Exception(message ?? "Objects are not equal.");

PSDNET-1961. Add Constructor for the ShapeLayer

string outputFile = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "AddShapeLayer_output.psd");

const int ImgToPsdRatio = 256 * 65535;

using (PsdImage newPsd = new PsdImage(600, 400))
    ShapeLayer layer = newPsd.AddShapeLayer();

    var newShape = GenerateNewShape(newPsd.Size);
    List<IPathShape> newShapes = new List<IPathShape>();



using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(outputFile))
    AssertAreEqual(2, image.Layers.Length);

    ShapeLayer shapeLayer = image.Layers[1] as ShapeLayer;
    ColorFillSettings internalFill = shapeLayer.Fill as ColorFillSettings;
    IStrokeSettings strokeSettings = shapeLayer.Stroke;
    ColorFillSettings strokeFill = shapeLayer.Stroke.Fill as ColorFillSettings;

    AssertAreEqual(1, shapeLayer.Path.GetItems().Length); // 1 Shape
    AssertAreEqual(3, shapeLayer.Path.GetItems()[0].GetItems().Length); // 3 knots in a shape

    AssertAreEqual(-16127182, internalFill.Color.ToArgb()); // ff09eb32

    AssertAreEqual(7.41, strokeSettings.Size);
    AssertAreEqual(false, strokeSettings.Enabled);
    AssertAreEqual(StrokePosition.Center, strokeSettings.LineAlignment);
    AssertAreEqual(LineCapType.ButtCap, strokeSettings.LineCap);
    AssertAreEqual(LineJoinType.MiterJoin, strokeSettings.LineJoin);
    AssertAreEqual(-16777216, strokeFill.Color.ToArgb()); // ff000000

PathShape GenerateNewShape(Size imageSize)
    var newShape = new PathShape();

    PointF point1 = new PointF(20, 100);
    PointF point2 = new PointF(200, 100);
    PointF point3 = new PointF(300, 10);

    BezierKnotRecord[] bezierKnots = new BezierKnotRecord[]
         new BezierKnotRecord()
             IsLinked = true,
             Points = new Point[3]
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point1, imageSize),
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point1, imageSize),
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point1, imageSize),
         new BezierKnotRecord()
             IsLinked = true,
             Points = new Point[3]
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point2, imageSize),
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point2, imageSize),
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point2, imageSize),
         new BezierKnotRecord()
             IsLinked = true,
             Points = new Point[3]
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point3, imageSize),
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point3, imageSize),
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point3, imageSize),


    return newShape;

Point PointFToResourcePoint(PointF point, Size imageSize)
    return new Point(
        (int)Math.Round(point.Y * (ImgToPsdRatio / imageSize.Height)),
        (int)Math.Round(point.X * (ImgToPsdRatio / imageSize.Width)));

void AssertAreEqual(object expected, object actual, string message = null)
    if (!object.Equals(expected, actual))
        throw new Exception(message ?? "Objects are not equal.");

PSDNET-1966. קובץ PSD מסוים לא יכול להיוצא באמצעות Aspose.PSD

string sourceFile = Path.Combine(baseFolder, "1966source.psd");
string outputPng = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "output.png");

using (var psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile, new PsdLoadOptions() { LoadEffectsResource = true }))
    psdImage.Save(outputPng, new PngOptions());