title: List of the Supported PSD Global Image Resources
type: docs
weight: 30
url: /it/net/list-of-the-supported-psd-global-image-resources/

## **Aspose.PSD supports the Low-Level editing of Image Resources.**
List of fully supported Image Resources, you can find in Aspose.PSD .Net [API Reference](https://reference.aspose.com/psd/net)

According to Adobe® Photoshop® format specification: Image resources use several standard ID numbers, as shown in the Image resource IDs. Not all file formats use all ID's. Some information may be stored in other sections of the file.

For those resource IDs that have been added since Photoshop 3.0. the entry indicates the version in which they were introduced, e.g. (*Photoshop 6.0*).

Image resource ID.

| :- | :- |
|1000|*(Obsolete--Photoshop 2.0 only*) Number of channels, rows, columns, depth, and mode|
|1001|Macintosh print manager print info record|
|1002|Macintosh page format information. No longer read by Photoshop. *(Obsolete)*|
|1003|*(Obsolete--Photoshop 2.0 only*) Indexed color table|
|1005|[ResolutionInfo structure](https://reference.aspose.com/psd/net/aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.resources/resolutioninforesource).|
|1006|Names of the alpha channels as a series of Pascal strings.|
|1007|*(Obsolete) See ID 1077 DisplayInfo* structure.|
|1008|The caption as a Pascal string.|
|1009|[Border information.](https://reference.aspose.com/psd/net/aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.resources/borderinformationresource) Contains a fixed number (2 bytes real, 2 bytes fraction) for the border width, and 2 bytes for border units (1 = inches, 2 = cm, 3 = points, 4 = picas, 5 = columns).|
|1010|[Background color. ](https://reference.aspose.com/psd/net/aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.resources/backgroundcolorresource/methods/index)|
|1011|Print flags. A series of one-byte boolean values: labels, crop marks, color bars, registration marks, negative, flip, interpolate, caption, print flags.|
|1012|Grayscale and multichannel halftoning information|
|1013|[Color halftoning information](https://reference.aspose.com/psd/net/aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.resources/colorhalftoneinformationresource)|
|1014|Duotone halftoning information|
|1015|Grayscale and multichannel transfer function|
|1016|[Color transfer functions](/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=psdnet&title=ColorTransferFunctionsResource&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=106204188)|