Aspose.PSD for Python via .NET 24.4 - 릴리스 노트
이 페이지에는 Aspose.PSD for Python via .NET 24.4의 릴리스 노트가 포함되어 있습니다.
키 | 요약 | 범주 |
PSDPYTHON-50 | [AI 형식] XObjectForm 리소스 처리 추가 | 기능 |
PSDPYTHON-51 | ShapeLayer를 위한 생성자 추가 | 기능 |
PSDPYTHON-52 | RGB에서 CMYK로 PSD 파일 변환 수정 | 버그 |
PSDPYTHON-53 | 특정 PSD 파일을 Aspose.PSD를 사용하여 내보내지 못함 | 버그 |
공개 API 변경 사항
추가된 API:
- M:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.PsdImage.AddShapeLayer
제거된 API:
- 없음
사용 예시:
PSDPYTHON-50. [AI 형식] XObjectForm 리소스 처리 추가
sourceFileName = ""
outputFilePath = "example_output.png"
with AiImage.load(sourceFileName) as image:, PngOptions())
PSDPYTHON-51. ShapeLayer를 위한 생성자 추가
def check ShapeLayerConstructor():
outputFile = "AddShapeLayer_output.psd"
with PsdImage(600, 400) as newPsd:
shapeLayer = newPsd.add_shape_layer()
newShape = generate_new_shape(newPsd.size)
newShapes = [newShape]
with PsdImage.load(outputFile) as img:
image = cast(PsdImage, img)
assert len(image.layers) == 2
shapeLayer = cast(ShapeLayer, image.layers[1])
internalFill = shapeLayer.fill
strokeSettings = shapeLayer.stroke
strokeFill = shapeLayer.stroke.fill
assert len(shapeLayer.path.get_items()) == 1
assert len(shapeLayer.path.get_items()[0].get_items()) == 3
assert internalFill.color.to_argb() == -16127182
assert strokeSettings.size == 7.41
assert not strokeSettings.enabled
assert strokeSettings.line_alignment == StrokePosition.CENTER
assert strokeSettings.line_cap == LineCapType.BUTT_CAP
assert strokeSettings.line_join == LineJoinType.MITER_JOIN
assert strokeFill.color.to_argb() == -16777216
def generate_new_shape(imageSize):
newShape = PathShape()
point1 = PointF(20, 100)
point2 = PointF(200, 100)
point3 = PointF(300, 10)
knot1 = BezierKnotRecord()
knot1.is_linked = True
knot1.points = [
Release_24_04_Tests.PointFToResourcePoint(point1, imageSize),
Release_24_04_Tests.PointFToResourcePoint(point1, imageSize),
Release_24_04_Tests.PointFToResourcePoint(point1, imageSize)
knot2 = BezierKnotRecord()
knot2.is_linked = True
knot2.points = [
Release_24_04_Tests.PointFToResourcePoint(point2, imageSize),
Release_24_04_Tests.PointFToResourcePoint(point2, imageSize),
Release_24_04_Tests.PointFToResourcePoint(point2, imageSize)
knot3 = BezierKnotRecord()
knot3.is_linked = True
knot3.points = [
Release_24_04_Tests.PointFToResourcePoint(point3, imageSize),
Release_24_04_Tests.PointFToResourcePoint(point3, imageSize),
Release_24_04_Tests.PointFToResourcePoint(point3, imageSize)
bezierKnots = [
return newShape
def PointFToResourcePoint(point, imageSize):
ImgToPsdRatio = 256 * 65535
return Point(
int(round(point.y * (ImgToPsdRatio / imageSize.height))),
int(round(point.x * (ImgToPsdRatio / imageSize.width)))
def assert_are_equal(expected, actual, message=None):
if expected != actual:
raise Exception(message or "Objects are not equal.")
PSDPYTHON-52. RGB에서 CMYK로의 변환 수정
def checkConversionFromRgbToCmyk():
sourceFile = "frog_nosymb.psd"
outputFile = "frog_nosymb_output.psd"
with PsdImage.load(sourceFile) as image:
psdImage = cast(PsdImage, image)
psdImage.has_transparency_data = False
psdOptions = PsdOptions(psdImage)
psdOptions.color_mode = ColorModes.CMYK
psdOptions.compression_method = CompressionMethod.RLE
psdOptions.channels_count = 4, psdOptions)
with PsdImage.load(outputFile) as image:
psdImage = cast(PsdImage, image)
assert not psdImage.has_transparency_data
assert psdImage.layers[0].channels_count == 4
def assert_are_equal(expected, actual, message=None):
if expected != actual:
raise Exception(message or "Objects are not equal.")
def assert_are_equal(expected, actual, message=None):
if expected != actual:
raise Exception(message or "Objects are not equal.")
PSDPYTHON-53. 특정 PSD 파일을 Aspose.PSD를 사용하여 내보내지 못함
sourceFile = "1966source.psd"
outputPng = "output.png"
loadOpt = PsdLoadOptions()
loadOpt.load_effects_resource = True
with PsdImage.load(sourceFile, loadOpt) as psdImage:, PngOptions())