Aspose.PSD Adapters for .NET QuickStart Guide

Simple using

Aspose.PSD Adapters for .NET are the special Nuget Packages that allows you to write integration code with other Aspose Products less.

To start using Aspose.PSD Adapters please check the following instruction:

  1. Reference Aspose.PSD.Adapters.Imaging from Nuget or download them from Aspose Release Page(Adapters are included in the main release artifact at this moment) to your project Necessary references
  • Please note: If you using the Aspose.PSD.Adapters from the you need additionally to reference Aspose.Drawing and Aspose.Imaging from nuget or the local files.
  1. Add to the the following code:
  1. That’s all you need to use adapters

Export and Loading with additional Adaptee-specific options

In most cases that’s enough to use first example, but in the complex solutions sometimes is needed to make conversions with additional options. Please check the following example:

At this point you don’t need to write any additional code. Adapters provide seamless integration with full rich API of Aspose.PSD and its Adaptees