Aspose.PSD for .NET 24.10 - Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
PSDNET-2060 | Optimize rendering speed of Gradient Effect | Enhancement |
PSDNET-1308 | Fix the issue of updating text with multiple new line symbols | Bug |
PSDNET-1931 | Open any image file as an embedded smart object in the PSD image doesn’t work | Bug |
PSDNET-2084 | Error of processing clipping mask in big image | Bug |
PSDNET-2183 | (PSD .NET) UpdateText cutting last letter | Bug |
PSDNET-2184 | After saving the PSD file in 3rd party editor, SmartObject.ReplaceContents throws Null Reference but the file still can be opened in Photoshop | Bug |
PSDNET-2192 | Fix the problem with an exception on the reading of PSD file with Gradient shape | Bug |
Public API Changes
Added APIs:
- None
Removed APIs:
- None
Usage examples:
PSDNET-1308. Fix the issue of updating text with multiple new line symbols
string sourceFile = Path.Combine(baseFolder, "TestFileForAsianCharsBig 2.psd");
string testData = @"咸咹咺咻咼咽咾咿
using (var image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile))
var layer = (TextLayer)image.Layers[0];
// Here should be no exception.
PSDNET-1931. Open any image file as an embedded smart object in the PSD image doesn’t work
string sourceFile = Path.Combine(baseFolder, "smart.psd");
string addFile = Path.Combine(baseFolder, "DragonFly.jpeg");
string outputFile = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "DragonFly_export.png");
string outputPsd = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "DragonFly_export.psd");
using (var psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile, new PsdLoadOptions() { LoadEffectsResource = true }))
byte[] buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(addFile);
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(buffer))
using (SmartObjectLayer smartLayer = new SmartObjectLayer(memoryStream))
psdImage.Save(outputFile, new PngOptions { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });
psdImage.Save(outputPsd, new PsdOptions());
PSDNET-2060. Optimize rendering speed of Gradient Effect
// Test should be executed without an activated license!
Aspose.PSD.License license = new Aspose.PSD.License();
string inputFile = Path.Combine(baseFolder, "PsdDockerExample.psd");
string outputFilePsd = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "PsdDockerExample_output.psd");
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
using (var img = (PsdImage)Image.Load(inputFile, new PsdLoadOptions() { LoadEffectsResource = true }))
img.Save(outputFilePsd, new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });
if (stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds > 10)
throw new Exception("Performance problem. Saving should not take more then 10 seconds.");
PSDNET-2084. Error of processing clipping mask in big image
string src = Path.Combine(baseFolder, "input.psd");
string output = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "out_PSDNET2084.psd");
using (var psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(src))
var layers = psdImage.Layers;
// Select issue layers to speed up processing
psdImage.Layers = new Layer[] { layers[174], layers[175] };
// Here should be no exception on saving
PSDNET-2183. (PSD .NET) UpdateText cutting last letter
string srcFile = Path.Combine(baseFolder, "frenteee.psd");
string outFilePng = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "out_frenteee.png");
using (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage)Aspose.PSD.Image.Load(srcFile))
psdImage.Save(outFilePng, new PngOptions());
PSDNET-2184. After saving the PSD file in 3rd party editor, SmartObject.ReplaceContents throws Null Reference but the file still can be opened in Photoshop
string sourceFile = Path.Combine(baseFolder, "snapcase.psd");
string changeFile = Path.Combine(baseFolder, "snapcase_change.png");
using (var psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile))
foreach (Layer layer in psdImage.Layers)
if (layer is SmartObjectLayer && layer.Name == "ARTHERE")
SmartObjectLayer smartObjectLayer = (SmartObjectLayer)layer;
// Exception was here
PSDNET-2192. Fix the problem with an exception on the reading of PSD file with Gradient shape
string inputFile = Path.Combine(baseFolder, "vectormasks.psd");
string outputFilePsd = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "vectormasks_output.psd");
using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(inputFile))
// Should be no exception
// Test Gradient parameters
ShapeLayer shapeLayer = image.Layers[1] as ShapeLayer;
NoiseGradientFillSettings gradientSettings = shapeLayer.Stroke.Fill as NoiseGradientFillSettings;
AssertAreEqual(true, gradientSettings.Dither);
AssertAreEqual(true, gradientSettings.Reverse);
AssertAreEqual(90.0, gradientSettings.Angle);
AssertAreEqual(80, gradientSettings.Scale);
AssertAreEqual(true, gradientSettings.AlignWithLayer);
AssertAreEqual(GradientType.Radial, gradientSettings.GradientType);
AssertAreEqual(GradientKind.Noise, gradientSettings.GradientMode);
AssertAreEqual(1837065285, gradientSettings.RndNumberSeed);
AssertAreEqual(false, gradientSettings.ShowTransparency);
AssertAreEqual(false, gradientSettings.UseVectorColor);
AssertAreEqual(2048, gradientSettings.Roughness);
AssertAreEqual(NoiseColorModel.HSB, gradientSettings.ColorModel);
AssertAreEqual((short)0, gradientSettings.ExpansionCount);
// Edit
gradientSettings.Dither = false;
gradientSettings.Reverse = false;
gradientSettings.Angle = 54.0;
gradientSettings.Scale = 34;
gradientSettings.AlignWithLayer = false;
gradientSettings.GradientType = GradientType.Linear;
gradientSettings.ShowTransparency = true;
gradientSettings.UseVectorColor = true;
gradientSettings.Roughness = 3072;
gradientSettings.ColorModel = NoiseColorModel.RGB;
using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(outputFilePsd))
// Should be no exception
// Test Gradient parameters
ShapeLayer shapeLayer = image.Layers[1] as ShapeLayer;
NoiseGradientFillSettings gradientSettings = shapeLayer.Stroke.Fill as NoiseGradientFillSettings;
AssertAreEqual(false, gradientSettings.Dither);
AssertAreEqual(false, gradientSettings.Reverse);
AssertAreEqual(54.0, gradientSettings.Angle);
AssertAreEqual(34, gradientSettings.Scale);
AssertAreEqual(false, gradientSettings.AlignWithLayer);
AssertAreEqual(GradientType.Linear, gradientSettings.GradientType);
AssertAreEqual(GradientKind.Noise, gradientSettings.GradientMode);
AssertAreEqual(1837065285, gradientSettings.RndNumberSeed);
AssertAreEqual(true, gradientSettings.ShowTransparency);
AssertAreEqual(true, gradientSettings.UseVectorColor);
AssertAreEqual(3072, gradientSettings.Roughness);
AssertAreEqual(NoiseColorModel.RGB, gradientSettings.ColorModel);
AssertAreEqual((short)0, gradientSettings.ExpansionCount);
void AssertAreEqual(object expected, object actual, string message = null)
if (!object.Equals(expected, actual))
throw new Exception(message ?? "Objects are not equal.");