Aspose.PSD Add Layer From File

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Adding layers to images is a common task in image editing and manipulation. With Aspose.PSD for Python, you can easily add any file as a layer to your PSD (Photoshop Document) files using a simple and straightforward API.

Aspose.PSD for Python provides a powerful set of features for working with PSD files, including layer editing capabilities. The library supports a wide range of image formats, allowing you to add layers from various file types such as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and more.

To add an image file as a layer, you can use the ‘add_layer’ method provided by the Aspose.PSD API. This method accepts the path to the image file as input and automatically converts it into a layer that can be added to your PSD file.


Here’s a code sample that demonstrates how to add an image file as a layer using Aspose.PSD for Python:

# This example from Aspose.PSD for Python Gist
from io import BytesIO
from aspose.psd.fileformats.psd import PsdImage
from aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers import Layer
inputFile = "inputFile.png"
outputFile = "AddFileAsLayer.psd"
# Open file as Stream
with open(inputFile, "rb", buffering=0) as filestream:
stream = BytesIO(
# Create PSD Layer from Stream
layer = Layer(stream)
# Create PSD Image with the specified size
psdImage = PsdImage(layer.width, layer.height)
# Add Layer to PSD Image
psdImage.layers = [layer]
# Get Pixels from File
pixels = layer.load_argb_32_pixels(layer.bounds)
pixelsRange = range(len(pixels))
# Fill the pixels data with some values
for i in pixelsRange:
if i % 5 == 0:
pixels[i] = 500000
# Fast Save of Updated Image Data
layer.save_argb_32_pixels(layer.bounds, pixels)
# Save PSD Image