Aspose.PSD for Python via .NET 24.10 - Release Notes

Key Summary Category
PSDPYTHON-107 Optimize rendering speed of Gradient Effect Enhancement
PSDPYTHON-108 Fix the issue of updating text with multiple new line symbols Bug
PSDPYTHON-109 Open any image file as an embedded smart object in the PSD image doesn’t work Bug
PSDPYTHON-110 Error of processing clipping mask in big image Bug
PSDPYTHON-111 (PSD .NET) UpdateText cutting last letter Bug
PSDPYTHON-112 After saving the PSD file in 3rd party editor, SmartObject.ReplaceContents throws Null Reference but the file still can be opened in Photoshop Bug
PSDPYTHON-113 Fix the problem with an exception on the reading of PSD file with Gradient shape Bug

Public API Changes

Added APIs:

  • None

Removed APIs:

  • None

Usage examples:

PSDNET-1308. Fix the issue of updating text with multiple new line symbols

        sourceFile = "TestFileForAsianCharsBig 2.psd"
        testData = "咸咹咺咻咼咽咾咿\r\n哀品哂哃哄哅哆哇哈哉哊哋哌响哎哏"

        with PsdImage.load(sourceFile) as img:
            image = cast(PsdImage, img)
            layer = cast(TextLayer, image.layers[0])
            # Here should be no exception.

PSDNET-1931. Open any image file as an embedded smart object in the PSD image doesn’t work

        sourceFile = "smart.psd"
        addFile = "DragonFly.jpeg"
        outputFile = "DragonFly_export.png"
        outputPsd = "DragonFly_export.psd"

        psdOpt = PsdLoadOptions()
        psdOpt.load_effects_resource = True
        with PsdImage.load(sourceFile, psdOpt) as image:
            psdImage = cast(PsdImage, image)
            with open(addFile, "rb", buffering=0) as stream:
                with SmartObjectLayer(stream) as smartLayer:
                    pngOpt = PngOptions()
                    pngOpt.color_type = PngColorType.TRUECOLOR_WITH_ALPHA
          , pngOpt)
          , PsdOptions())

PSDNET-2060. Optimize rendering speed of Gradient Effect

        inputFile = "PsdDockerExample.psd"
        outputFilePsd = "PsdDockerExample_output.psd"

        psdOpt = PsdLoadOptions()
        psdOpt.load_effects_resource = True

        pngOpt = PngOptions()
        pngOpt.color_type = PngColorType.TRUECOLOR_WITH_ALPHA

        with PsdImage.load(inputFile, psdOpt) as img:
            start =
  , pngOpt)
            end =

        if (end - start).seconds > 18:
            raise Exception("Performance problem. Saving should not take more than 10 seconds.")

PSDNET-2084. Error of processing clipping mask in big image

        src = "input.psd"
        output = "out_PSDNET2084.psd"

        with PsdImage.load(src) as image:
            psdImage = cast(PsdImage, image)
            layers = psdImage.layers

            # Select issue layers to speed up processing
            psdImage.layers = [layers[174], layers[175]]

            # Here should be no exception on saving

PSDNET-2183. (PSD .NET) UpdateText cutting last letter

        srcFile = "frenteee.psd"
        outFilePng = "out_frenteee.png"

        with PsdImage.load(srcFile) as psdImage:
  , PngOptions())

PSDNET-2184. After saving the PSD file in 3rd party editor, SmartObject.ReplaceContents throws Null Reference but the file still can be opened in Photoshop

        sourceFile = "snapcase.psd"
        changeFile = "snapcase_change.png"

        with PsdImage.load(sourceFile) as image:
            psdImage = cast(PsdImage, image)
            for layer in psdImage.layers:
                if isinstance(layer, SmartObjectLayer) and == "ARTHERE":
                    smartObjectLayer = SmartObjectLayer(layer)

                    # Exception was here


PSDNET-2192. Fix the problem with an exception on the reading of PSD file with Gradient shape

        # Temporary disabled. Fixed in 24.11
        inputFile = "vectormasks.psd"
        outputFilePsd = "vectormasks_output.psd"
        referenceFilePsd = "vectormasks_output.psd"

        with PsdImage.load(inputFile) as img:
            image = cast(PsdImage, img)
            # Should be no exception

            # Test Gradient parameters
            shapeLayer = cast(ShapeLayer, image.layers[1])
            gradientSettings = cast(NoiseGradientFillSettings, shapeLayer.stroke.fill)

            assert True == gradientSettings.dither
            assert True == gradientSettings.reverse
            assert 90.0 == gradientSettings.angle
            assert 80 == gradientSettings.scale
            assert True == gradientSettings.align_with_layer
            assert GradientType.Radial == gradientSettings.gradient_type
            assert GradientKind.Noise == gradientSettings.gradient_mode
            assert 1837065285 == gradientSettings.rndNumberSeed
            assert False == gradientSettings.show_transparency
            assert False == gradientSettings.use_vector_color
            assert 2048 == gradientSettings.roughness
            assert NoiseColorModel.HSB == gradientSettings.color_model
            assert 0 == gradientSettings.expansion_count

            # Edit
            gradientSettings.dither = False
            gradientSettings.reverse = False
            gradientSettings.angle = 54.0
            gradientSettings.scale = 34
            gradientSettings.align_with_layer = False
            gradientSettings.gradient_type = GradientType.LINEAR
            gradientSettings.show_transparency = True
            gradientSettings.use_vector_color = True
            gradientSettings.roughness = 3072
            gradientSettings.color_model = NoiseColorModel.RGB


        with PsdImage.load(outputFilePsd) as img:
            image = cast(PsdImage, img)

            # Should be no exception

            # Test Gradient parameters
            shapeLayer = cast(ShapeLayer, image.layers[1])
            gradientSettings = cast(NoiseGradientFillSettings, shapeLayer.stroke.fill)

            assert False == gradientSettings.dither
            assert False == gradientSettings.reverse
            assert 54.0 == gradientSettings.angle
            assert 34 == gradientSettings.scale
            assert False == gradientSettings.align_with_layer
            assert GradientType.LINEAR == gradientSettings.gradient_type
            assert GradientKind.NOISE == gradientSettings.gradient_mode
            assert 1837065285 == gradientSettings.rndNumberSeed
            assert True == gradientSettings.show_transparency
            assert True == gradientSettings.use_vector_color
            assert 3072 == gradientSettings.roughness
            assert NoiseColorModel.RGB == gradientSettings.color_model
            assert 0 == gradientSettings.expansion_count

            def AssertAreEqual(self, expected, actual, message=None):
                if expected != actual:
                    raise Exception(message or "Objects are not equal.")