Aspose.PSD for Python via .NET 24.6 - Release Notes

Key Summary Category
PSDPYTHON-69 Implement support of Gradient map layer Feature
PSDPYTHON-70 [AI Format] Add support of XPacket Metadata to AI Format (At this moment not available for Python version) Feature
PSDPYTHON-71 Implement Inflate, Squeeze, and Twist types of warp Feature
PSDPYTHON-72 Rgb and Lab modes can not contain less than 3 channels and more than 4 channels in the file with ArtBoard Layers Bug
PSDPYTHON-79 The processing area top must be positive. (Parameter ‘areaToProcess’) on the processing of specific file Bug
PSDPYTHON-74 Expanded over the canvas image is cropped after the saving. Data is lost but Preview looks correct Bug

Public API Changes

Added APIs:

  • P:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.FillSettings.NoiseGradientFillSettings.ExpansionCount
  • M:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.PsdImage.AddGradientMapAdjustmentLayer
  • T:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.AdjustmentLayers.GradientMapLayer
  • P:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.AdjustmentLayers.GradientMapLayer.GradientSettings
  • P:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Ai.AiImage.XmpData

Removed APIs:

  • None

Usage examples:

PSDPYTHON-69. Implement support of Gradient map layer

        sourceFile = "gradient_map_src.psd"
        outputFile = "gradient_map_src_output.psd"
        def AssertAreEqual(expected, actual, message=None):
            if expected != actual:
                raise Exception(message or "Objects are not equal.")

        with PsdImage.load(sourceFile) as image:
            im = cast(PsdImage, image)
            layer = im.add_gradient_map_adjustment_layer()
            layer.gradient_settings.reverse = True


        with PsdImage.load(outputFile) as image:
            im = cast(PsdImage, image)
            gradient_map_layer = cast(GradientMapLayer, im.layers[1])
            gradient_settings = cast(GradientFillSettings, gradient_map_layer.gradient_settings)

            AssertAreEqual(0.0, gradient_settings.angle)
            AssertAreEqual(4096, gradient_settings.interpolation)
            AssertAreEqual(True, gradient_settings.reverse)
            AssertAreEqual(False, gradient_settings.align_with_layer)
            AssertAreEqual(False, gradient_settings.dither)
            AssertAreEqual(GradientType.LINEAR, gradient_settings.gradient_type)
            AssertAreEqual(100, gradient_settings.scale)
            AssertAreEqual(0.0, gradient_settings.horizontal_offset)
            AssertAreEqual(0.0, gradient_settings.vertical_offset)
            AssertAreEqual("Custom", gradient_settings.gradient_name)

PSDPYTHON-70. [AI Format] Add support of XPacket Metadata to AI Format (At this moment not available for Python version)

    #     At this moment this API is not available for Aspose.PSD for Python
    #     sourceFile = ""
    #     def AssertAreEqual(expected, actual):
    #         if expected != actual:
    #             raise Exception("Objects are not equal.")
    #     def AssertIsNotNull(test_object):
    #         if test_object is None:
    #             raise Exception("Test object is null.")
    #     creator_tool_key = ":CreatorTool"
    #     n_pages_key = "xmpTPg:NPages"
    #     unit_key = "stDim:unit"
    #     height_key = "stDim:h"
    #     width_key = "stDim:w"
    #     expected_creator_tool = "Adobe Illustrator CC 22.1 (Windows)"
    #     expected_n_pages = "1"
    #     expected_unit = "Pixels"
    #     expected_height = 768
    #     expected_width = 1366
    #     with AiImage.load(sourceFile) as img:
    #         image = cast(AiImage, img)
    #         xmp_metadata = image.xmp_data
    #        # XmpPacketWrapper a
    #         AssertIsNotNull(xmp_metadata)
    #         basic_package = cast(XmpBasicPackage, xmp_metadata.get_package(Namespaces.XMP_BASIC))
    #         package = xmp_metadata.packages[4]
    #         creator_tool = basic_package.g[creator_tool_key].to_string()
    #         n_pages = package[n_pages_key]
    #         unit = package[unit_key]
    #         height = np.double.parse(package[height_key].to_string())
    #         width = np.double.parse(package[width_key].to_string())
    #         AssertAreEqual(creator_tool, expected_creator_tool)
    #         AssertAreEqual(n_pages, expected_n_pages)
    #         AssertAreEqual(unit, expected_unit)
    #         AssertAreEqual(height, expected_height)
    #         AssertAreEqual(width, expected_width)

PSDPYTHON-71. Implement Inflate, Squeeze, and Twist types of warp

        files = ["Twist", "Squeeze", "Squeeze_vert", "Inflate"]

        for prefix in files:
            sourceFile = prefix + ".psd"
            outputFile = prefix + "_export.png"

            loadOpt = PsdLoadOptions()
            loadOpt.allow_warp_repaint = True
            loadOpt.load_effects_resource = True

            pngOpt = PngOptions()
            pngOpt.color_type = PngColorType.TRUECOLOR_WITH_ALPHA
            with PsdImage.load(sourceFile, loadOpt) as psdImage:
      , pngOpt)

PSDPYTHON-72. Rgb and Lab modes can not contain less than 3 channels and more than 4 channels in the file with ArtBoard Layers

        sourceFile = "Rgb5Channels.psb"
        outputFile = "Rgb5Channels_output.psd"

        with PsdImage.load(sourceFile) as image:

PSDPYTHON-79. The processing area top must be positive. (Parameter ‘areaToProcess’) on the processing of specific file

        sourceFile = "BANNERS_2_Intel-Gamer_psak.psd")
        outputFile = "BANNERS_2_Intel-Gamer_psak_out.psd"
        psdLoadOptions = PsdLoadOptions()
        psdLoadOptions.load_effects_resource = True
        psdLoadOptions.allow_warp_repaint = True

        with PsdImage.load(sourceFile, psdLoadOptions) as image:

PSDPYTHON-74. Expanded over the canvas image is cropped after the saving. Data is lost but Preview looks correct

        sourceFile = "bigfile.psd"
        outputFile = "bigfile_output.psd"
        outputPicture = "bigfile.png"

        loadOptions = PsdLoadOptions()
        loadOptions.load_effects_resource = True
        loadOptions.use_disk_for_load_effects_resource = True

        with PsdImage.load(sourceFile, loadOptions) as image:
            psdImage = cast(PsdImage, image)
            psdOpt = PsdOptions()
            psdOpt.compression_method = CompressionMethod.RLE
  , psdOpt)