Layer Manipulation in Aspose.PSD for Python
PSD layer manipulation is a common task when working with Photoshop files. Aspose.PSD for Python provides a powerful set of tools for manipulating layers in PSD files. In this article, we will explore some of the key features and functionality of Aspose.PSD for Python for layer manipulation.
To get started, make sure you have Aspose.PSD for Python installed. You can install it using pip:
pip install aspose-psd
In the below code snippet, we first load the source PSD file using the PsdLoadOptions class. We then save a copy of the original image for comparison purposes.
Next, we perform various layer manipulation operations. We resize a specific layer using the resize method, rotate another layer using the rotate method, and adjust the contrast of a different layer using the adjust_contrast method. Finally, we crop a specific layer using the crop method.
After performing the desired layer manipulations, we save the updated image using the save method.
It’s important to note that Aspose.PSD for Python supports many more specific layer manipulation operations. For a comprehensive list of available methods and functionalities, please refer to the official Aspose.PSD for Python documentation at
In conclusion, Aspose.PSD for Python provides a powerful and flexible solution for PSD layer manipulation. With its extensive set of features and functionalities, you can easily perform various layer manipulations such as resizing, rotating, adjusting filters, and more. Whether you are working on a simple project or a complex design, Aspose.PSD for Python is a valuable tool to have in your toolkit.
Please check full example.
from aspose.psd import Image, ResizeType, Color, Rectangle | |
from aspose.psd.fileformats.png import PngColorType | |
from aspose.psd.fileformats.psd import PsdImage | |
from aspose.psd.imageloadoptions import PsdLoadOptions | |
from aspose.psd.imageoptions import PngOptions | |
from aspose.pycore import cast | |
def LayerManipulationTest(): | |
source = "AllTypesLayerPsd2.psd" | |
output_original = "original_layer_manipulation.png" | |
output_updated = "updated_layer_manipulation.png" | |
pngOpt = PngOptions() | |
pngOpt.color_type = PngColorType.TRUECOLOR_WITH_ALPHA | |
psdLoadOpt = PsdLoadOptions() | |
psdLoadOpt.load_effects_resource = True | |
psdLoadOpt.allow_warp_repaint = True | |
with Image.load(source, psdLoadOpt) as image: | |
psd_image = cast(PsdImage, image) | |, pngOpt) | |
# Resizing | |
psd_image.layers[2].resize(25, 25, ResizeType.HIGH_QUALITY_RESAMPLE) | |
# Rotating | |
psd_image.layers[5].rotate(45, True, Color.yellow) | |
# Simple Filters | |
psd_image.layers[3].adjust_contrast(3) | |
# Cropping | |
psd_image.layers[10].crop(Rectangle(10, 10, 20, 20)) | |
# Aspose.PSD supports much more specific layer manipulation, please check | |, pngOpt) |