Aspose.PSD for Python via .NET 24.7 - 发行说明
此页面包含Aspose.PSD for Python via .NET 24.7的发行说明。
关键 | 摘要 | 类别 |
PSDPYTHON-86 | 打开 AI 文档时出现“图像加载失败。”异常 | 错误 |
PSDPYTHON-87 | 输出 PDF 文件中的文本呈现不正确 | 错误 |
PSDPYTHON-88 | 在 Linux 上为给定文件修复 ImageSaveException: 图像导出失败 | 错误 |
PSDPYTHON-89 | 使用 Aspose.Drawing 时修复字体加载 | 错误 |
PSDPYTHON-90 | 使用大型 JPEG 创建智能对象图层时出现“算术运算导致溢出” | 错误 |
PSDPYTHON-91 | AI 文件无法转换为 JPG 文件 | 错误 |
公共 API 更改
已添加的 API:
- P:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.FillSettings.NoiseGradientFillSettings.ExpansionCount
- M:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.PsdImage.AddGradientMapAdjustmentLayer
- T:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.AdjustmentLayers.GradientMapLayer
- P:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.AdjustmentLayers.GradientMapLayer.GradientSettings
- P:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Ai.AiImage.XmpData
已移除的 API:
- 无
PSDPYTHON-86. 打开 AI 文档时出现“图像加载失败。”异常
sourceFile = self.GetFileInBaseFolder("[SA]")
outputFile = self.GetFileInOutputFolder("[SA]_ID_card_template.png")
with AiImage.load(sourceFile) as image:, PngOptions())
PSDPYTHON-87. 输出 PDF 文件中的文本呈现不正确
src = self.GetFileInBaseFolder("CVFlor.psd")
output = self.GetFileInOutputFolder("output.pdf")
with PsdImage.load(src) as psdImage:
saveOptions = PdfOptions()
saveOptions.pdf_core_options = PdfCoreOptions(), saveOptions)
PSDPYTHON-88. 修复 ImageSaveException: 在 Linux 上为给定文件导出失败
sourceFile = self.GetFileInBaseFolder("Bed_Roll-Sticker4_1.psd")
outputFile = self.GetFileInOutputFolder("output.jpg")
loadOpt = PsdLoadOptions()
loadOpt.load_effects_resource = True
saveOpt = JpegOptions()
saveOpt.quality = 70
with PsdImage.load(sourceFile, loadOpt) as psdImage:, saveOpt)
PSDPYTHON-89. 当使用 Aspose.Drawing 时修复字体加载
with InstalledFontCollection() as installedFonts:
print("- 更新前。已安装字体数: " + str(len(installedFonts.families)))
print("- 通过尝试获取 'Arial' 的 Adobe 字体名称来刷新字体缓存:")
print("- 更新后。已安装字体数: " + str(len(installedFonts.families)))
assert len(installedFonts.families) > 1
PSDPYTHON-90. 使用大型 JPEG 创建智能对象图层时出现“算术运算导致溢出”
# 修复已完成,但是 Aspose.PSD for Python 中存在另一个问题,限制了此测试
#srcFile = self.GetFileInBaseFolder("source.psd")
#imageJpg = self.GetFileInBaseFolder("test.jpg")
#loadOpt = PsdLoadOptions()
#loadOpt.data_recovery_mode = DataRecoveryMode.MAXIMAL_RECOVER
#with PsdImage.load(srcFile, loadOpt) as image:
#with open(imageJpg, "rb", buffering=0) as stream:
#addedLayer = SmartObjectLayer(stream)
#addedLayer.Name = "测试图层"
PSDPYTHON-91. AI 文件无法转换为 JPG 文件
sourceFile = self.GetFileInBaseFolder("")
outputFile = self.GetFileInOutputFolder("aaa.png")
with AiImage.load(sourceFile) as image:, PngOptions())