إنشاء مخطط إكسل وتضمينه في العرض كمكون OLE

الخطوات المطلوبة

تتطلب عملية إنشاء وتضمين مخطط إكسل كمكون OLE في شريحة PowerPoint التسلسل التالي من الخطوات:

  1. إنشاء مخطط إكسل باستخدام Aspose.Cells لـ C++.
  2. تعيين حجم OLE لمخطط إكسل باستخدام Aspose.Cells لـ C++.
  3. الحصول على صورة لمخطط إكسل باستخدام Aspose.Cells لـ C++.
  4. تضمين مخطط إكسل كمكون OLE داخل عرض PPTX باستخدام Aspose.Slides لـ C++.
  5. استبدال الصورة التي تم تغييرها بالصورة التي تم الحصول عليها في الخطوة 3 لتجنب مشكلة تغيير الكائن
  6. كتابة العرض الناتج إلى القرص بصيغة PPTX

تنفيذ الخطوات المطلوبة

يتم تنفيذ الخطوات أعلاه في C++ كما يلي:

//Step - 1: Create an excel chart using Aspose.Cells
//Create a workbook
intrusive_ptr<Aspose::Cells::IWorkbook> wb = Aspose::Cells::Factory::CreateIWorkbook();
//Add an excel chart
int32_t chartRows = 55;
int32_t chartCols = 25;
int32_t chartSheetIndex = AddExcelChartInWorkbook(wb, chartRows, chartCols);
//Step - 2: Set the OLE size of the chart. using Aspose.Cells
wb->GetIWorksheets()->SetOleSize(0, chartRows, 0, chartCols);
//Step - 3: Get the image of the chart with Aspose.Cells
auto imgChart = wb->GetIWorksheets()->GetObjectByIndex(chartSheetIndex)->GetICharts()->GetObjectByIndex(0)->ToImage();
//Save the workbook to stream
System::SharedPtr<System::IO::MemoryStream> wbStream = ToSlidesMemoryStream(wb->SaveToStream());
//Step - 4  AND 5
//Step - 4: Embed the chart as an OLE object inside .ppt presentation using Aspose.Slides
//Step - 5: Replace the object changed image with the image obtained in step 3 to cater Object Changed Issue
//Create a presentation
System::SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();
System::SharedPtr<ISlide> slide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);

// Add the workbook on slide
AddExcelChartInPresentation(pres, slide, wbStream, imgChart);

//Step - 6: Write the output presentation on disk
pres->Save(u"d:/OutputChart.pptx", SaveFormat::Pptx);
void AddExcelChartInPresentation(System::SharedPtr<Presentation> pres, System::SharedPtr<ISlide> sld, 
                                    System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream> wbStream, 
                                    intrusive_ptr<Aspose::Cells::Systems::Drawing::Bitmap> imgChart)
    float oleWidth = pres->get_SlideSize()->get_Size().get_Width();
    float oleHeight = pres->get_SlideSize()->get_Size().get_Height();
    int32_t x = 0;
    System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t> chartOleData = System::MakeArray<uint8_t>(wbStream->get_Length(), 0);
    wbStream->Read(chartOleData, 0, chartOleData->get_Length());

    System::SharedPtr<OleEmbeddedDataInfo> dataInfo = System::MakeObject<OleEmbeddedDataInfo>(chartOleData, u"xls");
    System::SharedPtr<IOleObjectFrame> oof;
    oof = sld->get_Shapes()->AddOleObjectFrame(static_cast<float>(x), 0.0f, oleWidth, oleHeight, dataInfo);

    intrusive_ptr<MemoryStream> cellsOutputStream = new Aspose::Cells::Systems::IO::MemoryStream();
    imgChart->Save(cellsOutputStream, Aspose::Cells::Systems::Drawing::Imaging::ImageFormat::GetBmp());

    auto imgChartSlides = Images::FromStream(ToSlidesMemoryStream(cellsOutputStream));
System::SharedPtr<System::IO::MemoryStream> ToSlidesMemoryStream(intrusive_ptr<Aspose::Cells::Systems::IO::MemoryStream> inputStream)
    System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t> outputBuffer = System::MakeArray<uint8_t>(inputStream->GetLength(), inputStream->GetBuffer()->ArrayPoint());
    auto outputStream = System::MakeObject<System::IO::MemoryStream>(outputBuffer);

    return outputStream;
int32_t AddExcelChartInWorkbook(intrusive_ptr<Aspose::Cells::IWorkbook> wb, int32_t chartRows, int32_t chartCols)
    // Array of cell names
    System::ArrayPtr<System::String> cellsName = System::MakeArray<System::String>(
        { u"A1", u"A2", u"A3", u"A4", 
            u"B1", u"B2", u"B3", u"B4",
            u"C1", u"C2", u"C3", u"C4",
            u"D1", u"D2", u"D3", u"D4",
            u"E1", u"E2", u"E3", u"E4" });
    // Array of cell data
    System::ArrayPtr<int32_t> cellsValue = System::MakeArray<int32_t>(
        { 67, 86, 68, 91,
            44, 64, 89, 48,
            46, 97, 78, 60,
            43, 29, 69, 26,
            24, 40, 38, 25 });

    // Add a new worksheet to populate cells with data
    int32_t dataSheetIdx = wb->GetIWorksheets()->Add();
    intrusive_ptr<Aspose::Cells::IWorksheet> dataSheet = wb->GetIWorksheets()->GetObjectByIndex(dataSheetIdx);
    intrusive_ptr<Aspose::Cells::Systems::String> sheetName = new Aspose::Cells::Systems::String("DataSheet");

    // Populate DataSheet with data
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < cellsName->get_Length(); i++)
        System::String cellName = cellsName[i];
        int32_t cellValue = cellsValue[i];
        dataSheet->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(new String(cellName.ToWCS().c_str()))->PutValue(cellValue);

    // Add a chart sheet
    int32_t chartSheetIdx = wb->GetIWorksheets()->Add(Aspose::Cells::SheetType::SheetType_Chart);
    intrusive_ptr<Aspose::Cells::IWorksheet> chartSheet = wb->GetIWorksheets()->GetObjectByIndex(chartSheetIdx);
    chartSheet->SetName(new String("ChartSheet"));

    // Add a chart in ChartSheet with data series from DataSheet
    int32_t chartIdx = chartSheet->GetICharts()->Add(Aspose::Cells::Charts::ChartType::ChartType_Column, 0, chartRows, 0, chartCols);
    intrusive_ptr<Aspose::Cells::Charts::IChart> chart = chartSheet->GetICharts()->GetObjectByIndex(chartIdx);
    chart->GetNISeries()->Add(sheetName + "!A1:E1", false);
    chart->GetNISeries()->Add(sheetName + "!A2:E2", false);
    chart->GetNISeries()->Add(sheetName + "!A3:E3", false);
    chart->GetNISeries()->Add(sheetName + "!A4:E4", false);

    // Set ChartSheet an active sheet

    return chartSheetIdx;


الأقسام ذات الصلة

حل عملي لتعديل حجم المخطط