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Aspose.Slides for CPP 20.12 Release Notes

Supported Platforms

  • Aspose.Slides for C++ for Windows x64 (Microsoft Visual C++).
  • Aspose.Slides for C++ for Windows x86 (Microsoft Visual C++).
  • Aspose.Slides for C++ for Linux (Clang).

New Features and Enhancements

SLIDESNET-33574Creating presentation from PDFFeature
SLIDESNET-33808Support for converting PDF to PPT/PPTXFeature
SLIDESNET-42160Reduce fonts size when converting to HTML with embedded resourcesEnhancement

Other Improvements and Changes

SLIDESCPP-2413Use Aspose.Slides for .NET 20.12 featuresEnhancement
SLIDESCPP-2708Improve thumbnails rendering quality (20.12)Enhancement

Public API Changes

PDF Import

PDF Import feature has been added. This feature allows importing a PDF document into Presentation. A new SlideCollection::AddFromPdf method creates slides from the PDF document and adds them to the end of the collection:

auto pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();
pres->Save(u"fromPdfDocument.pptx", Aspose::Slides::Export::SaveFormat::Pptx);

IInk interface has been added

IInk interface and Ink implementer class have been added. They represent an IInk graphical element.

IInk declaration:

/// <summary>
/// Represents an ink object on a slide.
/// </summary>
class ASPOSE_SLIDES_API_SHARED_CLASS IInk : public virtual Aspose::Slides::IGraphicalObject