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Aspose.Slides for C++ 23.6 Release Notes

Supported Platforms

  • Aspose.Slides for C++ for Windows x64/x86 (Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 or later).
  • Aspose.Slides for C++ for Linux (Clang 3.9 or later, GCC 6.1 or later, glibc 2.23 or later).
  • Aspose.Slides for C++ for macOS (Xcode 13.4 or later).

New Features and Enhancements

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESNET-43870Quality of images is low when converting a presentation to PDFEnhancement
SLIDESNET-43807Loading corrupted presentation throws PptUnsupportedFormatExceptionEnhancement
SLIDESNET-43700Setting a default language for an entire PowerPoint documentFeature

Other Improvements and Changes

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESCPP-3614Use Aspose.Slides for .NET 23.6 featuresEnhancement

Public API Changes

ILoadOptions::get_DefaultTextLanguage() and ILoadOptions::set_DefaultTextLanguage() methods have been added

The ILoadOptions::get_DefaultTextLanguage() and ILoadOptions::set_DefaultTextLanguage() methods have been added to specify the default language for presentation text.

The example below demonstrates using load options to define the default text culture:

System::SharedPtr<LoadOptions> loadOptions = System::MakeObject<LoadOptions>();

System::SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(loadOptions);

// Add new rectangle shape with text
System::SharedPtr<IAutoShape> shp = pres->get_Slide(0)->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Rectangle, 50.0f, 50.0f, 150.0f, 50.0f);
shp->get_TextFrame()->set_Text(u"New Text");

// Check the first portion language
System::SharedPtr<IPortion> portion = shp->get_TextFrame()->get_Paragraph(0)->get_Portion(0);