

Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET の顧客からの最も頻繁に寄せられる質問の一つは、スライドのサイズが変更されたときにデータが切り取られないように図形のサイズをどのように変更するかということです。この短い技術的ヒントでは、その方法を示します。


import aspose.slides as slides

with slides.Presentation("pres.pptx") as presentation:
    currentHeight = presentation.slide_size.size.height
    currentWidth = presentation.slide_size.size.width

    presentation.slide_size.set_size(slides.SlideSizeType.A4_PAPER, slides.SlideSizeScaleType.DO_NOT_SCALE)

    newHeight = presentation.slide_size.size.height
    newWidth = presentation.slide_size.size.width

    ratioHeight = newHeight / currentHeight
    ratioWidth = newWidth / currentWidth

    for slide in presentation.slides:
        for shape in slide.shapes:
            shape.height = shape.height * ratioHeight
            shape.width = shape.width * ratioWidth

            shape.y = shape.y * ratioHeight
            shape.x = shape.x * ratioWidth

    presentation.save("Resize-1.pptx", slides.export.SaveFormat.PPTX)


import aspose.slides as slides

with slides.Presentation("pres.pptx") as presentation:
    currentHeight = presentation.slide_size.size.height
    currentWidth = presentation.slide_size.size.width

    presentation.slide_size.set_size(slides.SlideSizeType.A4_PAPER, slides.SlideSizeScaleType.DO_NOT_SCALE)

    newHeight = presentation.slide_size.size.height
    newWidth = presentation.slide_size.size.width

    ratioHeight = newHeight / currentHeight
    ratioWidth = newWidth / currentWidth

    for master in presentation.masters:
        for shape in master.shapes:
            shape.height = shape.height * ratioHeight
            shape.width = shape.width * ratioWidth

            shape.y = shape.y * ratioHeight
            shape.x = shape.x * ratioWidth

        for layoutslide in master.layout_slides:
            for shape in layoutslide.shapes:
                shape.height = shape.height * ratioHeight
                shape.width = shape.width * ratioWidth

                shape.y = shape.y * ratioHeight
                shape.x = shape.x * ratioWidth

    for slide in presentation.slides:
        for shape in slide.shapes:
            shape.height = shape.height * ratioHeight
            shape.width = shape.width * ratioWidth

            shape.y = shape.y * ratioHeight
            shape.x = shape.x * ratioWidth
            if type(shape) is slides.Table:
                for row in shape.rows:
                    row.minimal_height = row.minimal_height * ratioHeight
                for col in shape.columns:
                    col.width = col.width * ratioWidth

    presentation.save("Resize-2.pptx", slides.export.SaveFormat.PPTX)