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Aspose.Slides for Java 15.5.0 Release Notes

Minor Changes

SLIDESNET-36346 - Setting default zoom size for presentation when it will open in PowerPoint

SLIDESNET-34169 - Support for generating PDF of only slide notes

SLIDESNET-33598 - Change the position of category axis

Other Improvements and Changes

Bug Fixes

SLIDESJAVA-34903 - Improper text rendering in generated Html

SLIDESJAVA-34868 - ClassCastException occurs when a connector is added

SLIDESJAVA-34864 - Image distortion in a generated html

SLIDESJAVA-34860 - Low image rendering quality in generated thumbnail and PDF

SLIDESJAVA-34859 - PPTX to html throws Unexpected font parsing exception

SLIDESJAVA-34858 - Image is improperly rendered in generated thumbnail

SLIDESJAVA-34857 - Bitmap throws ImageLoadException: Not enough data in stream.

SLIDESJAVA-34854 - rendering pptx notes to html

SLIDESJAVA-34853 - Formula recalculated value cell in embedded excel changes after saving with Aspose.Slides

SLIDESJAVA-34852 - pptm to pdf conversion failed

SLIDESJAVA-34850 - Scatter with smooth lines chart on a cloned slide throws exception

SLIDESJAVA-34849 - NoClassDefinition ecxception on using Aspose.Slides is Apache Felix

SLIDESJAVA-34844 - Slide background is missing in generated HTML

SLIDESJAVA-34840 - Chart series label position is incorrect in exported PDF

SLIDESJAVA-34839 - Chart grid lines are missing in exported PDF

SLIDESJAVA-34838 - Chart Axis labels values and position gets changed in PDF

SLIDESJAVA-34837 - Arrow shape is improperly rendered in saved presentation

SLIDESJAVA-34836 - Presentation repair message on opening the cloned presentation

SLIDESJAVA-34835 - Hidden Slide is appearing in generated PDF

SLIDESJAVA-34829 - Null pointer exception thrown with 15.3.0.

SLIDESJAVA-34824 - Chart Missing When Converting a PPTX to PDF

SLIDESJAVA-34823 - Conversion Hangs When Converting a PPTX to PDF

SLIDESJAVA-34819 - Gradient is improperly rendered in generated thumbnail

SLIDESJAVA-34818 - Chart text is missing in exported PDF

SLIDESJAVA-34817 - Exception on exporting presentation to PDF in Ubuntu

SLIDESJAVA-34815 - Circle changed to ellipse in cloned presentation

SLIDESJAVA-34810 - Custom chart is missing in generated PDF.

SLIDESJAVA-34794 - Cell data is rendered out of table in thumbnail

SLIDESJAVA-34784 - Unexpected font parsing exception on exporting to HTML.

SLIDESJAVA-34779 - Unexpected font parsing exception on accessing the presentation

SLIDESJAVA-34722 - Text has wrong position on slide after saving presentation

SLIDESJAVA-34710 - Unexpected font parsing exception while opening a PPTX file

SLIDESJAVA-34705 - Unexpected font parsing exception on opening the PPTX file

SLIDESJAVA-34667 - Excepion on loading the presentations using Aspose.Slides

SLIDESJAVA-34648 - Metafile throws ArgumentException: Error reading WMF metafile

SLIDESJAVA-34627 - Unexpected font parsing exception while converting PPTX to PDF

SLIDESJAVA-34596 - Unexpected font parsing exception while opening a PPTX file

SLIDESJAVA-34550 - Unexpected font parsing exception while opening a PPTX file

SLIDESJAVA-34384 - Chart category axis is improperly rendered in generated thumbnail

SLIDESJAVA-33853 - WortArt styles are improperly rendered in generated PDF

SLIDESJAVA-33422 - Image missing in generated thumbnail

Public API Changes

CommonSlideViewProperties class and ICommonSlideViewProperties interface have been added

com.aspose.slides.CommonSlideViewProperties class (and its interface com.aspose.slides.ICommonSlideViewProperties) represents common slide view properties (currently view scale options).

IAxis.getLabelOffset(), setLabelOffset(int) methods have been added

IAxis.getLabelOffset(), setLabelOffset(int) methods allow to get and to specify the distance of labels from the axis. Applied to category or date axis.

IChartTextBlockFormat.getAutofitType(), setAutofitType(byte) methods have been added

Methods getAutofitType(), setAutofitType(/TextAutofitType/byte) have been added to com.aspose.slides.IChartTextBlockFormat interface. Changing of this value can produce a certain influence only for these chart parts: DataLabel and DataLabelFormat (full suport in PowerPoint 2013; in PowerPoint 2007 there is no effect for rendering).

Methods IChartTextBlockFormat.getWrapText(), setWrapText(byte) have been added

Methods getWrapText(), setWrapText(/NullableBool/byte) have been added to interface com.aspose.slides.IChartTextBlockFormat. Changing of this value can produce a certain influence only for these chart parts: DataLabel and DataLabelFormat (full suport in PowerPoint 2007/2013).

The methods to manage margins have been added to IChartTextBlockFormat

getMarginLeft(), setMarginLeft(double), getMarginRight(), setMarginRight(double), getMarginTop(), setMarginTop(double), getMarginBottom() and setMarginBottom(double) methods have been added to interface com.aspose.slides.IChartTextBlockFormat. Changing of this values can produce a certain influence only for these chart parts: DataLabel and DataLabelFormat (full suport in PowerPoint 2013; in PowerPoint 2007 there is no effect for rendering).

ViewProperties.getNotesViewProperties() method have been added

com.aspose.slides.ViewProperties.getNotesViewProperties() property has been added. It gets common view properties associated with the notes view mode.

ViewProperties.getSlideViewProperties() method has been added

com.aspose.slides.ViewProperties.getSlideViewProperties() method has been added. Its gets common view properties associated with the slide view mode.