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Aspose.Slides for Java 16.5.0 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
SLIDESJAVA-35479 | Which version of bcprov are supported with Aspose.Slides for Java and Aspose.Cells | Investigation |
SLIDESJAVA-35454 | Changing a function/sub of an existing VBA module | Investigation |
SLIDESJAVA-35446 | Investigate the regression tests failure in Aspose Slides project on test server | Investigation |
SLIDESJAVA-35438 | Default image formats and their qualities when exporting presentation to PDF | Investigation |
SLIDESJAVA-35420 | Problem extracting alignment value for some text | Investigation |
SLIDESJAVA-35376 | Mechanism of Aspose.Slides Fonts Loading | Investigation |
SLIDESJAVA-34229 | StackOverFlow exception when using Aspose.Slides based program as Windows Service | Feature |
SLIDESJAVA-35359 | Support for rendering hidden slides in PDF | Feature |
SLIDESJAVA-35284 | Load fonts only once in an application | Feature |
SLIDESNET-37193 | Support to add Pentagon on a slide | Feature |
SLIDESNET-35693 | Support for adding picture bullet | Feature |
SLIDESNET-33272 | PictureBullet for pptx | Feature |
SLIDESJAVA-35459 | Default zoom is not correct for presentatin when opened in PowerPoint 2013 | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35443 | Hyperlinks are not extracted from presentation | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35439 | Exeption: Color is not resolved when loading presentation | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35434 | Chart vertical lines are missing in exported PDF | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35430 | PptxReadException on presentation load | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35425 | Incorrect html generated from presentation | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35423 | Baseline of the glyphs from CJK range differ from expected | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35422 | Master slides’s name is returned as empty string | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35419 | Parameter emSize is invalid Aspose slides Java 16.3.0 | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35418 | Missing tables on generated pdf | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35417 | Incorrect value for bold property is returned | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35416 | Text becomes bulleted on ppt load and save | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35415 | Image lost on ppt load and save | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35409 | Presentation generated by slides displays picture incorrectly | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35407 | PPTXNotSupportedException on loading presentations in Multithreads | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35399 | Problem while getting properties of a table | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35398 | PptxReadException on presentation load | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35396 | Chart legend is improperly rendered in generated thumbnail | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35395 | An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35393 | Chart legend is improperly rendered in generated thumbnail | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35391 | PptxReadException on presentation load | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35389 | Gradient improperly rendered in generated thumbnail | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35384 | Exception while getting table properties | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35381 | on resaving password protected ppt | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35380 | on encrypting ppt | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35377 | Horizonta chart bar is missig in generated thumbnail | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35366 | Exception on presentation save | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35363 | Low Quality with PdfNotes better with Pdf | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35353 | Unable to export all presentations inside folder to PDF using multiple threads | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35342 | Unable to render a PPTX file to pdf | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35330 | getReflectionEffect() returns null | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35310 | Incorrect text color | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35308 | Error loading presentation | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35304 | Ole frame display incorrect image | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35298 | bullets and dashes changed to numbering | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35290 | Ole frame get resized for multi page excel sheet | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35210 | Shadow effect appeared on load and save pptx | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35209 | Text on slide bottom is lost | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35181 | Font size changed | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35157 | Null pointer exception on loading ppt | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35047 | Slower performance when converting presentation to PDF in muti threaded environment | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35023 | Text wrapping disturbed in generated thumbnail | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-34959 | Gradient effects are changed in generated slide thumbnail | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-34881 | Incorrect text underlined on exported pdf | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-34510 | Gradient effects are changed in generated slide thhumbanil | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-34481 | Text alignment issue after conversion from PPT to PNG | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-34365 | DateTime field missing in generated PDF | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-34333 | Support for importing HTML table data in Aspose.Slides | Bug |
Public API Changes
Aspose.Slides for Java 16.5.0 depends on Bouncy Castle 1.54
‘Bouncy Castle Crypto API’ library has been updated to release 1.54. Aspose.Slides for Java 16.5.0 depends from latest version of this library now.
getPicture() method has been added to IBulletFormat interface and BulletFormat class
This method represents the picture used as a bullet in the paragraph.
Code snippet:
Presentation pres = new Presentation();
//Accessing the first slide
ISlide slide = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0);
//Instantiate the image for bullets
BufferedImage img = null;
try {
img = File("bullet.jpg"));
} catch (IOException e) { }
IPPImage imgx = pres.getImages().addImage(img);
//Adding and accessing Autoshape
IAutoShape aShp = slide.getShapes().addAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 200, 200, 400, 200);
//Accessing the text frame of created autoshape
ITextFrame txtFrm = aShp.getTextFrame();
//Removing the default exisiting paragraph
//Creating new paragraph
Paragraph para = new Paragraph();
para.setText("Welcome to Aspose.Slides");
//Setting paragraph bullet style and image
//Setting Bullet Height
//Adding Paragraph to text frame
//Writing the presentation as a PPTX file"Bullet.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
//Writing the presentation as a PPT file"Bullet.ppt", SaveFormat.Ppt);
//Writing the presentation as a ODP file"Bullet.odp", SaveFormat.Odp);
if(pres != null) pres.dispose();
getShowHiddenSlides(), setShowHiddenSlides() methods have been added to IHtmlOptions, IPdfOption, ISwfOptions, ITiffOptions and IXpsOption interfaces and correspondent classes
Methods getShowHiddenSlides() and setShowHiddenSlides() have been added to IHtmlOptions, IPdfOption, ISwfOptions, ITiffOptions, IXpsOption interfaces and HtmlOptions, PdfOption, SwfOptions, TiffOptions, XpsOption classes.
These methods specifies whether the exported document should include hidden slides or not. Default value is “false”.
Code example:
Presentation pres = new Presentation("Presentation.pptx");
//Instantiate the PdfOptions class
PdfOptions pdfOptions = new PdfOptions();
//Specify that the generated document should include hidden slides
//Save the presentation to PDF with specified options"Presentation.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf, pdfOptions);
if(pres != null) pres.dispose();