Aspose.Slides for Java 17.12 Release Notes

SLIDESJAVA-36496Setting font size according to text boxesBug
SLIDESJAVA-36584Aspose.slides java 17.7 make tomcat 8.0.21 can’t startupBug
SLIDESJAVA-36667PPT after converted to PDF unable to open in Adobe ReaderBug
SLIDESJAVA-36706SVG not properly generated after resizing slideBug
SLIDESJAVA-36709Single Format and Line paragraph getting broken into multiple portionsBug
SLIDESJAVA-36598When PPTX is converted to PDF, all content is missingBug
SLIDESJAVA-36677The axis label has moved to the bottom(left) after JPEG renditionBug
SLIDESJAVA-36678Axis labels are corrupted in JPEG output (the label text is improperly wrapped)Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36679WordArt text fill color has lost when converting to thumbnail imageBug
SLIDESJAVA-36681WordArt text kerning has changed when converting to thumbnail imageBug
SLIDESJAVA-36689Presentation with the math symbol produces not correct PDF outputBug
SLIDESJAVA-36605When PPTX is converted to PDF, font is larger and goes to the second lineBug
SLIDESJAVA-34967incorrect HTML generated from ODPBug
SLIDESJAVA-35410PptxReadException on presentation loadBug
SLIDESJAVA-36436Text is improperly rendered for exported PDFBug
SLIDESJAVA-36577Wrong Font name extractedBug
SLIDESJAVA-36633Ole frame getting resized on clicking in PowerPointBug
SLIDESJAVA-36644Missing images while exporting to htmlBug
SLIDESJAVA-36703SVG not properly generated from PPTXBug
SLIDESJAVA-36704PNG not properly generated from PPTXBug

Public API Changes
