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Aspose.Slides for Java 17.4 Release Notes

SLIDESNET-38524Support for a checking if presentation has been created or modified using Aspose.SlidesFeature
SLIDESNET-38181Get Position of the DataPointsFeature
SLIDESNET-38150Getting automatic values for chart elements in a public APIFeature
SLIDESNET-37583Extracting flash objects from presentationFeature
SLIDESJAVA-35762Get position of chart datalabelFeature
SLIDESJAVA-35868Different Display setting percentage affect the picture scalingBug
SLIDESJAVA-36225Aspose.Total.Product family license failed to loadBug
SLIDESJAVA-36217Text broken after savingBug
SLIDESJAVA-36214PPT not converted properly to PDFBug
SLIDESJAVA-36207Presentation with media files not properly converted to htmlBug
SLIDESJAVA-36190PPTX changed after cloningBug
SLIDESJAVA-36086PPT to PDF creates corrupted output when pdfOptions.setSaveMetafilesAsPng(false) is used.Bug
SLIDESJAVA-35983Exception on loading PPTXBug
SLIDESJAVA-35671Diagrams content missing while converting PPTX to PDFBug

Public API Changes

getActualX, getActualY, getActualWidth, getActualHeight methods have been added to IDataLabel, DataLabel

float getActualX() - Gets actual X location (left) of the chart element relative to the left top corner of the chart. Call method IChart.validateChartLayout() before to get actual values.

  • float getActualY() - Gets actual top of the chart element relative to the left top corner of the chart. Call method IChart.validateChartLayout() before to get actual values.
  • float getActualWidth() - Gets actual width of the chart element. Call method IChart.validateChartLayout() before to get actual values.
  • float getActualHeight() - Gets actual height of the chart element. Call method IChart.validateChartLayout() before to get actual values.

Call method IChart.ValidateChartLayout() previously to get actual values for these methods.

Presentation pres = new Presentation();
try {
	Chart chart = (Chart)pres.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().addChart(ChartType.ClusteredColumn, 100, 100, 500, 350);
	double x = chart.getChartData().getSeries().get_Item(0).getLabels().get_Item(0).getActualX();
	double y = chart.getChartData().getSeries().get_Item(0).getLabels().get_Item(0).getActualY();
	double w = chart.getChartData().getSeries().get_Item(0).getLabels().get_Item(0).getActualWidth();
	double h = chart.getChartData().getSeries().get_Item(0).getLabels().get_Item(0).getActualHeight();
} finally {
	if (pres != null) pres.dispose();