Aspose.Slides for Java 18.11 Release Notes

SLIDESJAVA-37110OutOfMemoryError on loading presentationInvestigation
SLIDESJAVA-37317Classes inside the Aspose.SlidesInvestigation
SLIDESJAVA-36732RCA for sample failing in 16.11 but working in 17.12Investigation
SLIDESJAVA-37295Exception on adding sectionsInvestigation
SLIDESJAVA-37272Support for setting callout shape for series data labelFeature
SLIDESJAVA-37135Use Aspose.Slides for Net 18.11 featuresFeature
SLIDESNET-40224Add support for Strict Open XML formatFeature
SLIDESNET-40512Support for setting callout shape for series data labelFeature
SLIDESNET-40518Support to get effects by text-box paragraphsFeature
SLIDESNET-40523Implement serialization with Strict Open XML format complianceFeature
SLIDESNET-40613ChartData SetRange on a Pivot TableFeature
SLIDESJAVA-36927The text is broken to the another lineBug
SLIDESJAVA-35383Exception on presentation loadBug
SLIDESJAVA-36623Exception on generating ThumbnailsBug
SLIDESJAVA-36653Diagrams not shown in the result of saving a PowerPoint file to SVG formatBug
SLIDESJAVA-36907Exception on saving presentationBug
SLIDESJAVA-36935slow conversion from PPT to JPEGBug
SLIDESJAVA-37029PPTX to PDF not properly convertedBug
SLIDESJAVA-37100Aspose.Slides for Java Creator information of deleted comments disappearsBug
SLIDESJAVA-37217Image is missing elements when running on LinuxBug
SLIDESJAVA-37313Animations getting lost while changing text in a placeholder in PPT’s slideBug
SLIDESJAVA-37341Chart lines are improperly rendered in generated thumbnailBug
SLIDESJAVA-37373PPTX not properly converted to PDFBug

Public API Changes

Saving the presentation with Strict and Transitional conformance class option has been added

A new Conformance enumeration class has been added to com.aspose.slides.* package.

This enum consists of three members:

  • Ecma376_2006 - Specifies that the document conforms to the ECMA376:2006.
  • Iso29500_2008_Transitional - Specifies that the document conforms to the ISO/IEC 29500:2008 Transitional conformance class.
  • Iso29500_2008_Strict - Specifies that the document conforms to the ISO/IEC 29500:2008 Strict conformance class.

getConformance() and setConformance() methods have been added to PptxOptions class.

The methods allow saving the presentation with Strict and Transitional Open XML Presentation conformance class.

public final /*Conformance*/ int getConformance();
public final void setConformance(/*Conformance*/int value)

By default getConformance() method returns Conformance.Ecma376_2006.

For example, the following code allows saving the presentation in Strict format.

Presentation presentation = new Presentation("Presentation.pptx");
    PptxOptions opt = new PptxOptions();
    opt.setConformance(Conformance.Iso29500_2008_Strict);"PresOut.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx, opt);
finally {

The getEffectsByParagraph method has been added to Sequence class and ISequence interface

getEffectsByParagraph method has been added to Sequence class and ISequence interface.

It returns the array of effects for the specified text paragraph.

public final IEffect[] getEffectsByParagraph(IParagraph paragraph)

Usage example:

Presentation pres = new Presentation("Presentation.pptx");
    ISequence sequence = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0).getTimeline().getMainSequence();
    IAutoShape autoShape = (IAutoShape)pres.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().get_Item(0);

    for (IParagraph paragraph : autoShape.getTextFrame().getParagraphs())
        IEffect[] effects = sequence.getEffectsByParagraph(paragraph);

        if (effects.length > 0)
            System.out.println("Paragraph \"" + paragraph.getText() + "\" has " + effects[0].getType() + " effect.");
finally {