Aspose.Slides for Java 19.11 Release Notes

SLIDESJAVA-37450Use Aspose.Slides for .NET 19.11 featuresFeature
SLIDESNET-39130Improve handling of embedded OLE objects in PresentationFeature
SLIDESNET-41340Chart become image on cloning shapeEnhancement
SLIDESNET-41401Text get overlapped in generated shape thumbnailEnhancement
SLIDESJAVA-36467Support for extracting OLE data from presentationEnhancement
SLIDESJAVA-37840On conversion to PDF the “The given key was not present in the dictionary.” exception has been thrownBug
SLIDESJAVA-37647Equation text overlap in generated HTML ThumbnailsBug
SLIDESJAVA-37736PptxReadException on saving to PDFBug
SLIDESJAVA-37849Increase the quality of ThumbnailsBug
SLIDESJAVA-37740PPTX not properly converted to PDFBug
SLIDESJAVA-37735ConnectionSiteIndex values for CalloutWedgeEllipse are incorrectBug
SLIDESJAVA-37465PPTX not properly converted to HTMLBug
SLIDESJAVA-37743Exception on converting PPTX to PNGBug
SLIDESJAVA-37762Converting PPTX to PNG generates improper PNG in a multithreaded environmentBug
SLIDESJAVA-37818Chart legend issue after conversion to PDFBug
SLIDESJAVA-37836On conversion to PDF the “Cannot be cast to” exception has been thrownBug
SLIDESJAVA-37847Aspose.Slides error with dockerBug

Public API Changes

Obsolete methods addFromSvg have been deleted

Methods IPPImage addFromSvg(String svgContent) and IPPImage addFromSvg(String svgContent, IExternalResourceResolver externalResResolver, String baseUri) have been removed from ImageCollection class and corresponding IImageCollection interface.

Please use method addImage(ISvgImage svgImage) instead.