Aspose.Slides for Java 20.5 Release Notes

New Features and Enhancements

SLIDESNET-38923Feature to identify read protected and write protected presentationsFeature
SLIDESNET-41786Add ability to validate password to modifyFeature
SLIDESNET-37280Support for Mathematical Equations (OMML)Feature
SLIDESNET-40011Align Multiple shape in one lineFeature
SLIDESNET-38545Get real table row height, after long text is added to cellEnhancement
SLIDESNET-41621Importing Excel EMF image has broken aspect ratioEnhancement

Other Improvements and Changes

SLIDESJAVA-37950Use Aspose.Slides for Net 20.5 featuresEnhancement
SLIDESJAVA-36990Align Multiple shape in one lineFeature
SLIDESJAVA-33889Support for digitally signing the presentationFeature
SLIDESJAVA-33613Reading digital signatures in presentation documentFeature
SLIDESJAVA-37691Does Aspose.Slides supports ECDSA and RSA algorithms for digital signatureInvestigation
SLIDESJAVA-38079Graph issues while converting PPTX to PDFBug
SLIDESJAVA-38065SVG is not getting imported in slide properlyBug
SLIDESJAVA-38063Font Format ‘Kerning’ Applied after mergingBug
SLIDESJAVA-37864The margins are changed when converting the ODP to PPTXBug
SLIDESJAVA-37566EMF image is not properly written as SVGBug

Public API Changes

Digital Signature in PowerPoint

Digital certificate is used to create a password-protected PowerPoint presentation, marked as created by a particular organization or person. Digital certificate can be obtained by contacting an authorized organization - a certificate authority. After installing the digital certificate into the system, it can be used to add a digital signature to the presentation via File -> Info -> Protect Presentation:


The presentation may contain more than one digital signatures. After the digital signature is added to the presentation, a special message will appear in the PowerPoint:


To sign a presentation or check the authenticity of presentation signatures, Aspose.Slides API provides IDigitalSignature interface, IDigitalSignatureCollection interface and IPresentation.getDigitalSignatures() method. Currently, digital signatures are supported for PPTX format only.

Add Digital Signature from PFX Certificate

The code sample below demonstrates how to add a digital signature from a PFX certificate:

  1. Open PFX file and pass the PFX password to DigitalSignature object.

  2. Add a created signature to the presentation object.

Presentation pres = new Presentation();
try {
    // Create DigitalSignature object with PFX file and PFX password 
    DigitalSignature signature = new DigitalSignature("testsignature1.pfx", "testpass1");

    // Comment new digital signature
    signature.setComments("Aspose.Slides digital signing test.");

    // Add digital signature to presentation

    // Save presentation"SomePresentationSigned.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
} finally {
    if (pres != null) pres.dispose();

Now its possible to check if the presentation was digitally signed and has not been modified:

// Open presentation
Presentation pres = new Presentation("SomePresentationSigned.pptx");
try {
    if (pres.getDigitalSignatures().size() > 0)
        boolean allSignaturesAreValid = true;

        System.out.println("Signatures used to sign the presentation: ");

        // Check if all digital signatures are valid
        for (IDigitalSignature signature : pres.getDigitalSignatures())
            System.out.println(signature.getComments() + ", "
                + signature.getSignTime().toString() + " -- " + (signature.isValid() ? "VALID" : "INVALID"));
            allSignaturesAreValid &= signature.isValid();

        if (allSignaturesAreValid)
            System.out.println("Presentation is genuine, all signatures are valid.");
            System.out.println("Presentation has been modified since signing.");
} finally {
    if (pres != null) pres.dispose();

IDigitalSignatureCollection interface and DigitalSignatureCollection class have been added

DigitalSignatureCollection class has been added. It implements IDigitalSignatureCollection interface and represents a collection of digital signatures that were used or will be used to sign the presentation.

IDigitalSignatureCollection declaration:

  * <p>
  * Represents a collection of digital signatures attached to a document.
  * </p>
public interface IDigitalSignatureCollection extends IGenericCollection<IDigitalSignature>
      * <p>
      * Returns the signature by index.
      * </p>
    public IDigitalSignature get_Item(int index);

      * <p>
      * Adds the signature at the end of collection.
      * </p>
      * @param digitalSignature Signature to add.
    public void add(IDigitalSignature digitalSignature);

      * <p>
      * Removes the signature at the specified index.
      * </p>
      * @param index Index of the signature that should be deleted.
    public void removeAt(int index);

      * <p>
      * Removes all signatures from collection.
      * </p>
    public void clear();

Please see this note for code samples.

IDigitalSignature interface and DigitalSignature class have been added

DigitalSignature class has been added. It implements IDigitalSignature interface and stores the information about digital signature based on certificate used or will be used to sign the presentation.

IDigitalSignature declaration:

   * <p>
   * Digital signature in signed file.
   * </p>
public interface IDigitalSignature 
    * <p>
    * Certificate object that was used to sign the document.
    * Read-only {@link byte[]}.
    * </p>
    public byte[] getCertificate();

    * <p>
    * If this digital signature is valid and the document has not been tampered with, this value will be true.
    * Read-only {@code boolean}.
    * </p>
    public boolean isValid();

    * <p>
    * The time when the document was signed.
    * Read-only {@link java.util.Date}.
    * </p>
    public java.util.Date getSignTime();

    * <p>
    * The purpose of signature.
    * Read/write {@link String}.
    * </p>
    public String getComments();
    public void setComments(String value);

Please see this note for code samples.

IPresentation.getDigitalSignatures() method has been added

getDigitalSignatures() method has been added to IPresentation interface and Presentation class. It allows to access a collection of digital signatures which have been used to sign or add digital signatures which will be used to sign the presentation.

Method declaration:

   * <p>
   * Returns the collection of signatures used to sign the presentation.
   * Read-only {@link IDigitalSignatureCollection}.
   * </p>
public final IDigitalSignatureCollection getDigitalSignatures()

Please see this note for code samples.

Check a Write Protection Password via IPresentationInfo interface

isWriteProtected() and checkWriteProtection() methods have been added to IPresentationInfo interface and PresentationInfo class.  These methods allow checking whether a presentation is protected by a password to modify. The password to restrict modifying is intended to set write protection on the presentation. Write protection restricts the ability to save the presentation to the same path using host applications.

isWriteProtected() and checkWriteProtection() declarations:

   * <p>
   * Gets a value that indicates whether a binded presentation is write protected.
   * </p>
   * If the presentation is protected by a password to open, the property value equals NotDefined.
   * See {@link NullableBool} enumeration.
public byte isWriteProtected();

   * <p>
   * Checks whether a password to modify is correct for a write protected presentation.
   * </p>
   * @return
   * True if the presentation is write protected and the password is correct. False otherwise.
   * @exception InvalidOperationException
   * If a presentation is protected by a password to open or format does not support write protection
   * @param password The password to check.
   * <p>
   * 1. You should check the {@code IsWriteProtected}({@link #isWriteProtected}) property before calling this method.
   * 2. When password is null or empty, this method returns false.
   * </p>
public boolean checkWriteProtection(String password);


The example below demonstrates how to check a password to restrict modifying the presentation:

IPresentationInfo info = PresentationFactory.getInstance().getPresentationInfo(presentationFilePath);
boolean isWriteProtectedByPassword = info.isWriteProtected() == NullableBool.True && info.checkWriteProtection("my_password");

Check a Write Protection Password via IProtectionManager interface

checkWriteProtection() method has been added to the IProtectionManager interface and ProtectionManager class. This method allows checking whether a presentation is protected by a password from modifying. The password to restrict modifying is intended to set write protection on the presentation. Write protection restricts the ability to save the presentation to the same path using host applications.

Method declaration:

   * <p>
   * Determines whether a presentation is a password protected to modify.
   * </p>
   * @return True if the password is valid; otherwise, false.
   * @param password The password for checking.
   * <p>
   * 1. You should check the {@code isWriteProtected}({@link #isWriteProtected}) method before calling this method.
   * 2. When the password is null or empty, this method returns false.
   * </p>
public boolean checkWriteProtection(String password);


The example below demonstrates how to check a password that restricts modifying the presentation:

Presentation presentation = new Presentation(presentationFilePath);
try {
    boolean isWriteProtected = presentation.getProtectionManager().checkWriteProtection("my_password");
} finally {
    if (presentation != null) presentation.dispose();

Check Protection to Open Presentation via IPresentationInfo interface

isPasswordProtected() method has been added to IPresentationInfo interface and PresentationInfo class. This property allows checking whether a presentation is protected from opening. The presentation has an open protection when the password is set to the document.

Method declaration:

   * <p>
   * Gets a value that indicates whether a binded presentation is protected by a password to open.
   * </p>
public boolean isPasswordProtected();


The example below demonstrates how to check protection to open:

IPresentationInfo info = PresentationFactory.getInstance().getPresentationInfo(presentationFilePath);
if (info.isPasswordProtected())
    System.out.println("The presentation '" + presentationFilePath + "' is protected by password to open.");

Support for Shapes Alignment has been added

The feature helps to change the placement of selected shapes on the slide. Aligns shapes to the margins or the edge of the slide or align them relative to each other.


To provide options from the picture above has been added overloaded method SlideUtil.alignShapes() and ShapesElignmentType class.

ShapesElignmentType Enum

The ShapesElignmentType determines the way to align shapes. Possible values for ShapesElignmentTypeAlignLeft, AlignRight, AlignCenter, AlignTop, AlignMiddle, AlignBottom, DistributeHorizontally, DistributeVertically.

SlideUtil.alignShape() Method

The method changes the placement of selected shapes on the slide. Input parameters:

  • ShapesAlignmentType alignmentType - determines which type of alignment will be applied.
  • boolean alignToSlide- if true, shapes will be aligned relative to the slide edges, otherwise shapes will be aligned relative to each other.
  • IBaseSlide slide - parent slide.
  • int[] shapeIndexes - indexes of shapes to be aligned.
  • IShapeCollection shapes - a collection of shapes to be aligned.
Example 1


Let’s say we want to align shapes with indexes 1, 2 and 4 along the top border of the slide.

Presentation pres = new Presentation("example.pptx");
try {
    ISlide slide = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0);
    IShape shape1 = slide.getShapes().get_Item(1);
    IShape shape2 = slide.getShapes().get_Item(2);
    IShape shape3 = slide.getShapes().get_Item(4);
    SlideUtil.alignShapes(ShapesAlignmentType.AlignTop, true, pres.getSlides().get_Item(0), new int[]
} finally {
    if (pres != null) pres.dispose();


Example 2

Another option shows how to align the entire collection of shapes on the slide:

Presentation pres = new Presentation("example.pptx");
try {
    SlideUtil.alignShapes(ShapesAlignmentType.AlignBottom, false, pres.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes());
} finally {
    if (pres != null) pres.dispose();