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Aspose.Slides for Java 20.7 Release Notes

New Features and Enhancements

SLIDESNET-41954Convert Mathematival Text to MathML FormatFeature
SLIDESNET-38137Extract equation from ppt to LaTeXFeature
SLIDESNET-34154Support for rotation options for line shapeFeature
SLIDESNET-41947SVG image rendered as PNG image in generated PDFFeature
SLIDESNET-41591Automatic wrapped text exported with line breaks in PDFEnhancement

Other Improvements and Changes

SLIDESJAVA-38133Image transparency is lost in saved PDFBug
SLIDESJAVA-38154Unable to convert tiff image in pptx presentation to thumbnailBug
SLIDESJAVA-33825Border around images are missingBug
SLIDESJAVA-38125Font spacing is not maintained in SVGBug
SLIDESJAVA-38083Highlight text not working when saving as PPTBug
SLIDESJAVA-38122Non required lines appearing on chart X-axis in JPEG and SVGBug
SLIDESJAVA-38078Small Chart with Large Fonts Cause a StackOverflowErrorBug
SLIDESJAVA-37126Presentation not converted properly to pdfBug
SLIDESJAVA-37125Presentation not converted properly to pdfBug
SLIDESJAVA-34626Exception : Couldn’t read “PowerPoint Document” record on opening the PPT fileBug
SLIDESJAVA-38109SVG image rendered as PNG image in generated PDFFeature
SLIDESJAVA-38100Replacing an Image in a PictureFrame Doubles the Image Byte SizeBug
SLIDESJAVA-38082Exception on saving presentation with chartBug
SLIDESJAVA-38110TIFF files are corrupted when rendering with TiffCompressionTypes.CCITT4Bug
SLIDESJAVA-37952Use Aspose.Slides for Net 20.7 featuresEnhancement
SLIDESJAVA-38123Thread time out and heap growth issuesInvestigation
SLIDESJAVA-38124PPTX to PDF conversion fails to embed fonts using Aspose.SlidesBug
SLIDESJAVA-33796Support for rotation options for line shapeFeature
SLIDESJAVA-38142Improper slide thumbnails generated in LinuxInvestigation
SLIDESJAVA-38138Possible Memory leak in Aspose.Slides for JavaInvestigation
SLIDESJAVA-38137Aspose.Slides Java throw exception while reading the shapesBug
SLIDESJAVA-38101PPT corrupts on saving as PPTX and then to PPTBug

Public API Changes

Exporting mathematical equations to MathML format

IMathParagraph.writeAsMathMl and IMathBlock.writeAsMathMl methods have been added. You can use them to export a mathematical paragraph or block to MathML format. The presentation MathML markup is used.

Presentation pres = new Presentation();
try {
    IAutoShape autoShape = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().addMathShape(0, 0, 500, 50);
    IMathParagraph mathParagraph = ((MathPortion)autoShape.getTextFrame().getParagraphs().get_Item(0).getPortions().get_Item(0)).getMathParagraph();

    mathParagraph.add(new MathematicalText("a").setSuperscript("2").join("+").join(new MathematicalText("b").setSuperscript("2")).join("=").join(new MathematicalText("c").setSuperscript("2")));

    FileOutputStream stream = null;
    try {
        stream = new FileOutputStream("mathml.xml");
    } finally {
        if (stream != null) stream.close();
} finally {
    if (pres != null) pres.dispose();

Contents of the resulting file:

<math display='block' xmlns="">

New method iteratorJava() has been added to MathBlock and MathParagraph

A new iteratorJava() method has been added to MathBlock and MathParagraph classes.

This method allows to get an iterator that is fully complied with the Java Iterator logic.