Manage Slide Transition in Aspose.Slides

Aspose.Slides - Manage Slide Transition

To make it easier to understand, we have demonstrated the use of Aspose.Slides for Java to manage simple slide transitions. Developers can not only apply different slide transition effects on the slides, but also customize the behavior of these transition effects.To create a simple slide transition effect, follow the steps below:

  • Create an instance of Presentation class
  • Apply a Slide Transition Type on the slide from one of the transition effects offered by Aspose.Slides for Java through TransitionType enum
  • Write the modified presentation file


 //Instantiate Presentation class that represents a presentation file

Presentation pres = new Presentation(dataDir + "presentation.pptx");

//Apply circle type transition on slide 1


//Apply comb type transition on slide 2

pres.getSlides().get_Item(1).getSlideShowTransition().setType( TransitionType.Comb);

//Apply zoom type transition on slide 3



//Apply circle type transition on slide 4


//Set the transition time of 3 seconds

presentation.getSlides().get_Item(3).getSlideShowTransition().setAdvanceOnClick( true);

presentation.getSlides().get_Item(3).getSlideShowTransition().setAdvanceAfterTime (3000);

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