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Aspose.Slides for .NET 15.3.0 Release Notes
Major Features
Improved SmartArt customization support
All changes
Key | Summary |
SLIDESNET-36295 | Presentation repair message on saving presentation with video |
SLIDESNET-36263 | Presentation gets corrupt when opened in PowerPoint 2007 |
SLIDESNET-36259 | Lines appearing in the exported PDF for the chart |
SLIDESNET-36257 | Improper positioning of the comments in presentations |
SLIDESNET-36250 | IWarningCallback implementation shows different substitution fonts for same font |
SLIDESNET-36249 | Text highlighting missed in generated PDF |
SLIDESNET-36247 | FontManager returns 0 as fonts count if the presentaiton is loading using stream |
SLIDESNET-36236 | Wrong text color of Data Label with value 23% |
SLIDESNET-36234 | Text alignment in merged cell of the table is not correct in PDF file |
SLIDESNET-36233 | SplitbyColSpan not splitting the table properly |
SLIDESNET-36209 | Chart missing and improperly in generated thumbnail |
SLIDESNET-36187 | Text on SmartArt (after re-saving) is improperly rendered in thumbnail |
SLIDESNET-36184 | Text has wrong position on slide after saving presentation |
SLIDESNET-36181 | Wrong image rendering in generated Html |
SLIDESNET-36176 | NullReferenceException on opening pptx presentation |
SLIDESNET-36175 | NullReference exception on opening presentation |
SLIDESNET-36174 | Wrong legend rendering in generated thumbnail |
SLIDESNET-36170 | Exception: Only FileMoniker is supported on opening the PPT file |
SLIDESNET-36157 | Slide text get missing when slide thumbnail is generated in multiple passes |
SLIDESNET-36156 | Text missing in exported PDF |
SLIDESNET-36149 | Changing the font height does not refelect upon the slide in exported SVG |
SLIDESNET-36137 | Wrong ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type value after export to PPT |
SLIDESNET-36135 | Wrong line width after export to PPT |
SLIDESNET-36125 | Chart labels are loosing orientation after updating the values |
SLIDESNET-36124 | Text curving from PPT presentation serialized in PPTX improperly |
SLIDESNET-36123 | WordArt text Curve-Up rendered improperly from ppt presentation |
SLIDESNET-36120 | Wrong title text formatting after saving PPTX presentation |
SLIDESNET-36118 | Changing border FillFormat.FillType to wrong value due to serialization |
SLIDESNET-36115 | Replacing unsafe ASCII characters with a “%” by printable symbols. |
SLIDESNET-36114 | System.IndexOutOfRangeException on taking table height after merging cells |
SLIDESNET-36112 | The change of a hyperlink is not saved to ouptup PPT and PPTX presentations |
SLIDESNET-36108 | System.IndexOutOfRangeException on taking table height |
SLIDESNET-36098 | Improper doughnut chart rendering in generated thumbnail |
SLIDESNET-36093 | Password protection not getting applied on PPT file |
SLIDESNET-36089 | Presentation repair message appears in PP 2007 for Aspose.Slides saved presentation |
SLIDESNET-36083 | Wrong angle of WordArt text on thumbnails and PDF from ppt presentation |
SLIDESNET-36074 | InvalidOperationException: on adding video frame in PPT file |
SLIDESNET-36067 | Object Reference Exception is thrown on saving the file |
SLIDESNET-36055 | Charts series and y-axis labels are improperly rendered in generated thumbnails |
SLIDESNET-36054 | Chart is improperly rendered in generated thumbnail |
SLIDESNET-36049 | Exception: This export format is not implemented for PPT yet when saving presentation using HttpResponse |
SLIDESNET-36036 | TextFrame is surrounded with black border in Aspose.Slides saved presentation |
SLIDESNET-36030 | Cloning slide with embedded video throws presenation repair message |
SLIDESNET-36010 | ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown on opening the PPTX file |
SLIDESNET-35953 | ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception on saving presentation |
SLIDESNET-35943 | Slide Text missing in generated PDF |
SLIDESNET-35930 | PowerPoint found content in presentaion that it did not understand |
SLIDESNET-35885 | NullPointerException thrown while converting PPT to PDF in Linux Mono |
SLIDESNET-35840 | Missing SmartArt in the generated PDF file |
SLIDESNET-35772 | Smart Art not appearing in the generated PDF file |
SLIDESNET-35744 | SmartArt is missing in generated thumbnail |
SLIDESNET-35738 | InvertIfNegative property is set to true when series data point color is set |
SLIDESNET-35666 | PowerPoint 2007 throw error message on opening Aspose.Slides generated presenation |
SLIDESNET-35595 | Smart Art missing in the generated PNG file |
SLIDESNET-35536 | Chart improperly rendered in generated thumbnail |
SLIDESNET-35392 | SmartArt shapes distortions in generated PDF |
SLIDESNET-35313 | SmartArt is missing in generated PDF |
SLIDESNET-34590 | SmartArt shape is corrupted when Smart Art text is accessed and changed |
SLIDESNET-34528 | Aspose.Slides failed to read the master theme name for presentaiton |
SLIDESNET-29246 | Shape improperly rendered |
SLIDESNET-29243 | Font family changed for the text of SmartArt in generated thumbnail |
SLIDESNET-29242 | Circle around shapes failed to render |
SLIDESNET-29241 | Text missing from rendered SmartArt |
SLIDESNET-26388 | Add shapes to group shape corrupts presentation |