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Aspose.Slides for .NET 16.1.0 Release Notes

Minor Changes

SLIDESNET-37033Setting custom rotation angle for textframe
SLIDESNET-34799Support for default automatic series colors for chart

Other Improvements and Changes

SLIDESNET-37155Presentation repair message on saving PPTX with mp3
SLIDESNET-37108ArgumentNullException on ppt presentation save
SLIDESNET-37106PptxReadException thrown on loading pptx
SLIDESNET-37083Error occurs on opening PPTX file
SLIDESNET-37080Missing chart category
SLIDESNET-37071Charts rendered incorrectly in generated PDF
SLIDESNET-37068Presentation loading takes too much time
SLIDESNET-37066PptxReadException thrown on loading pptx
SLIDESNET-37065PPT presentaiton can’t constains more than 8 placeholders in one slide
SLIDESNET-37060Chart is Plotting 0 for null values
SLIDESNET-37044Properties set on slide master are returned as undefined
SLIDESNET-37041Chart rendered incorrectly on slide cloning
SLIDESNET-36995Empty datapoints appear while DisplayBlanksAsType.Gap is set
SLIDESNET-36986Application keeps executing on generating thumbnails
SLIDESNET-36957Setting some borders for table cells doesn’t work
SLIDESNET-36936Wrong word wrapping in table cells
SLIDESNET-368843D bevel effects are not getting applied in generated presentation
SLIDESNET-36871Format exception on loading ODP presentaiton
SLIDESNET-36796Missing text in generated thumbnail
SLIDESNET-36670joinPortionsWithSameFormatting() changes font size
SLIDESNET-36638ArgumentOutOfRange Exception on loading presentation
SLIDESNET-36557Saving to PPT changes markers of bullets
SLIDESNET-36522Text Alignment changed on pdf export
SLIDESNET-36471Wrong text alignment in cells
SLIDESNET-36416Text Wrapping issue in exported XPS and PDF
SLIDESNET-35648Bullets are improperly rendered in generated thumbnails
SLIDESNET-34145The background image is improperly rendered in generated thumbnail

Public API Changes

Property RotationAngle has been added to IChartTextBlockFormat and ITextFrameFormat interfaces

Property RotationAngle has been added to interfaces Aspose.Slides.Charts.IChartTextBlockFormat and Aspose.Slides.ITextFrameFormat. It specifies the custom rotation that is being applied to the text within the bounding box.

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
  IChart chart = pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddChart(ChartType.ClusteredColumn, 50, 50, 500, 300);
  IChartSeries series = chart.ChartData.Series[0];
  series.Labels.DefaultDataLabelFormat.ShowValue = true;
  series.Labels.DefaultDataLabelFormat.TextFormat.TextBlockFormat.RotationAngle = 65;

  chart.HasTitle = true;
  chart.ChartTitle.AddTextFrameForOverriding("Custom title").TextFrameFormat.RotationAngle = -30;

  pres.Save("out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);

OdpException moved from Aspose.Slides.Odp to Aspose.Slides namespace

OdpException moved from Aspose.Slides.Odp to Aspose.Slides namespace.