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Aspose.Slides for .NET 18.6 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
SLIDESNET-37572 | .NET Standard/.NET Core support | Feature |
SLIDESNET-33796 | Support for setting precision of data in chart data label | Feature |
SLIDESNET-33801 | Support for setting the date format for Category Axis Value | Feature |
SLIDESNET-33974 | Support for setting rotation angle for chart axis title | Feature |
SLIDESNET-33995 | Support for switch Row/Column for chart data | Feature |
SLIDESNET-34083 | Setting the chart marker options on data points level | Feature |
SLIDESNET-34458 | Support of setting Position Axis in Category or Value Axis | Feature |
SLIDESNET-34469 | Support for showing Display Unit label on Chart value axis | Feature |
SLIDESNET-34573 | Support for setting markers and its properties for particular chart series point | Feature |
SLIDESNET-36864 | Getting Series Data Point color from Theme | Feature |
SLIDESNET-40158 | Support for Bubble chart Size scaling | Feature |
SLIDESNET-35261 | Setting Series Overlap for Clustered Bar Chart | Feature |
SLIDESNET-39685 | Support for managing visibility of data labels located outside of plot area | Feature |
SLIDESNET-40193 | Improve slide graph quality | Feature |
SLIDESNET-39988 | Low quality PDF generated | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40146 | The WMF image is corrupted in PDF output | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40074 | When PPTX is converted to PDF, vertical axis of the graph contains additional items. | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40103 | PPTX to PDF - space difference between text and line | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40123 | When PPTX is converted to PDF, the vertical graphs lines are differen | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40126 | Some spacing is lost in the output PDF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40127 | Circles in the output PDF don’t match the source presentation | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40128 | The chart horizontal axis is corrupted in PDF output | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40106 | Font styles change to italic when saving presentation as HTML | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40114 | JpegQuality setting not works when saving PPTX with JPEG image as PDF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39807 | Setting chart data value in chart worksheet does not refresh chart | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39896 | Chart data not updating | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40098 | The animation synchronization is lost in the output presentation | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40195 | NullReference exception is thrown on loading presentation | Bug |
SLIDESNET-33338 | PPT to PPTX conversion result in corrupt presentation due to WordArt text present in slide | Bug |
SLIDESNET-34219 | Custom Marker image failed to rendered in generated PDF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-34518 | Shadow effects on text are lost when saving presentation using Aspose.Slides | Bug |
SLIDESNET-34589 | Paragraph text is not splitted in portions on changing the shadow effect on portion text | Bug |
SLIDESNET-35014 | WordArt is improperly rendered in generated PDF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-35698 | Improper vertical axis rendering in generated PNG | Bug |
SLIDESNET-37194 | Export to PPTX works but PPT fails | Bug |
SLIDESNET-37394 | Exception on presentation load | Bug |
SLIDESNET-37589 | XmlException on loading the presentation | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38266 | Font size changes after saving | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38498 | Background change color after saving | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39664 | PPTX to PDF not properly converted | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39703 | Charts are improperly rendered in generated PDF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39710 | Chart changes after cloning | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39711 | Layout changed while converting PPTX to PDF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39712 | Language changed when converting PPTX to PDF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39729 | Low quality images generated from presentation | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39763 | The axis major unit has been changed in generated PNG | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39764 | Chart title differs from expected | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39956 | PPTXReadException on loading presentation | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39962 | Repair message in saved file | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39968 | NullPointer Exception on loading presentation | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39978 | PPTXReadException on loading presentation | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39992 | System.Exception on loading presentation | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40004 | ODP to PPTX not properly converted | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40008 | Content moved in generated HTML | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40029 | PPTX not properly converted to PPT | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40043 | Saved PPT presentation requires repairing in PowerPoint | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40075 | Application Hangs while saving PPTX | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40078 | Conversion process never ends | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40141 | Argument Exception is thrown in Box&Whisker chart has only 2 categories | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40144 | Setting RawFrame property has no effect for SmartArtShape | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40172 | Overflow exception on saving if chart data point has blank value | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40239 | No format validation for images resource | Bug |
Public API Changes
IChart.ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum property has been added.
IChart.ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum and Chart.ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum property has been added.
The property specifies whether to show the data labels when the value is greater than the maximum value on the value axis.
using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation())
ISlide slide = presentation.Slides[0];
IChart chart = slide.Shapes.AddChart(ChartType.ScatterWithMarkers, 20, 100, 600, 400);
chart.ChartData.Series[0].Labels.DefaultDataLabelFormat.ShowValue = true;
chart.ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum = false;
presentation.Save("output.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
IChartSeries.BubbleSizeScale and IChartSeriesGroup.BubbleSizeScale properties have been added
IChartSeries.BubbleSizeScale and ChartSeries.BubbleSizeScale properties have been added.
Specifies the scale factor for the bubble chart (can be between 0 and 300 percents of the default size). This is the property not only of this series but of all series of parent series group - this is the projection of appropriate group property. And so this property is read-only. Use ParentSeriesGroup property to access to parent series group. Use ParentSeriesGroup.BubbleSizeScale read/write property to change value. IChartSeriesGroup.BubbleSizeScale and IChartSeriesGroup.BubbleSizeScale properties have been added.
Specifies the scale factor for the bubble chart (can be between 0 and 300 percents of the default size).
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
IChart chart = pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddChart(ChartType.Bubble, 100, 100, 400, 300);
chart.ChartData.SeriesGroups[0].BubbleSizeScale = 150;