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Aspose.Slides for .NET 22.6 Release Notes

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESNET-43050Coordinates of the AdjustmentFeature
SLIDESNET-43184Remove obsolete LoadAndRelease_Legacy_TemporaryDefaultEnhancement
SLIDESNET-43226PptxReadException is thrown when loading PPTXBug
SLIDESNET-43217Tagged Users in Comments Causes Null ExceptionBug
SLIDESNET-43211IVideoFrame.PlayLoopMode is not working when adding video frame to groupBug
SLIDESNET-43209Failed to load presentation with several SVG imagesBug
SLIDESNET-43174Number of images has changed after upgrade from 22.2 to 22.4Bug
SLIDESNET-43169Misaligned rectangles on text portionBug
SLIDESNET-43158Horizontal axis labels are not displayed for Histogram chartBug
SLIDESNET-43156Colors of map chart series change when PPTX is loaded and savedBug
SLIDESNET-43132Failed to rotate labels on axes for Waterfall chartBug
SLIDESNET-43129PPTX to PDF: Issue on Alpine LinuxBug
SLIDESNET-43049Grouping placeholders works but font size is changedBug
SLIDESNET-43032Loading PPTX file throws PptxReadExceptionBug
SLIDESNET-42999Additional lines are appeared in a chart when a PPTX file is loaded and savedBug
SLIDESNET-42973PresentationFactory.Instance.GetPresentationText throws exception.Bug
SLIDESNET-42887Shadows appear on chart when saving PPT to PPTBug
SLIDESNET-42855PPTX to PDF conversion crashes in LinuxBug
SLIDESNET-42829Text is wrapped and aligned incorrectly when converting PPTX to SVGBug

Public API Changes

Obsolete PresentationLockingBehavior LoadAndRelease_Legacy_TemporaryDefault was removed

The obsolete PresentationLockingBehavior LoadAndRelease_Legacy_TemporaryDefault enum member was removed. LoadAndRelease is a default presentation locking behavior now.