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Aspose.Slides for .NET 23.7 Release Notes

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESNET-43837PPTX to HTML5: Saving images externallyFeature
SLIDESNET-43446Convert presentation to markdownFeature
SLIDESNET-42818Importing HTML documents with images and tablesFeature
SLIDESNET-37059Support for importing HTML table in Aspose.SlideFeature
SLIDESNET-43669Generating exceptions when contents are missing in PDFEnhancement
SLIDESNET-44059Converting ODP to PPT Causes ArgumentExceptionBug
SLIDESNET-44048PPT to PDF: Line arrows have opposite directionBug
SLIDESNET-43968Background images on pages look cropped when converting PPTX to PDFBug
SLIDESNET-43967Chart is missing when converting ODP to PPTXBug
SLIDESNET-43957Shape is missing when converting PPT to PDFBug
SLIDESNET-43866PPT document is not like original HTML documentBug
SLIDESNET-43826PPTX to JPEG: Chart not rendered correctlyBug
SLIDESNET-43766Chart data labels are not displayed correctly when converting PPTX to PDFBug
SLIDESNET-43734X axis labels are not displayed correctly when converting PPTX to PNGBug
SLIDESNET-43713Image is lost when importing HTML to a presentationBug
SLIDESNET-43695Position of chart data labels is wrongBug
SLIDESNET-43265ISlide.AddFromHtml causes the loss of text formatting.Bug
SLIDESNET-43237Slide masters are not equal after being inserted as clonesBug
SLIDESNET-41636ODP to PDF: Graphs are missingBug
SLIDESNET-37420Chart rendered incorrectly in PDFBug
SLIDESNET-35630Importing HTML does not include image in slideBug
SLIDESNET-35185Opening ODP file throws Exception: Not a Open Office presentationBug
SLIDESNET-35183ODP to PDF Conversion: Chart is missing in the generated fileBug
SLIDESNET-33429Chart and image missing in exported PDF for shared ODP presenationBug

Public API Changes

Markdown export

The presentation can now be exported in a new format: Markdown. The default export looks like this:

New member of the SaveFormat enum has been added: SaveFormat.Md.

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx"))
    pres.Save("", SaveFormat.Md);

In this case, the default settings will be used:

  • the export type is MarkdownExportType.TextOnly, which means that only text will be exported (pictures and other things will be omitted).
  • default markdown specification: Flavor.Default.

Different dialects of markdown exports are supported:

  • GitLab
  • Github
  • CommonMark
  • Trello
  • XWiki
  • StackOverflow …and many others.

A new MarkdownSaveOptions class has been added to allow configure options of the resulting Markdown document.

In order to save the markdown to Github flavor you can use this code:

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx"))
    pres.Save("", SaveFormat.Md, new MarkdownSaveOptions
        Flavor = Flavor.Github

In addition, you can export a presentation with images to markdown. There are two variants of this export:

  • Sequential: render all items separately, one by one.
  • Visual: render all items, items that are grouped will be rendered together.


using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx"))
    pres.Save("", SaveFormat.Md, new MarkdownSaveOptions
        ExportType = MarkdownExportType.Visual

In this case, images will be saved to the current directory of the application (and a relative path will be built for them in the markdown document).

The path and folder name for saving can also be specified via options:

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx"))
    const string outPath = "c:\\documents";
    pres.Save(Path.Combine(outPath, ""), SaveFormat.Md, new MarkdownSaveOptions
        ExportType = MarkdownExportType.Visual,
        ImagesSaveFolderName = "md-images",
        BasePath = outPath

HTML5 embedded images

Added new properties for Html5Options:

  • EmbedImages
  • OutputPath

With them, when saving in Html5, you can save images externally and the HTML document will use relative references to them.


using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx"))
    const string outPath = "c:\\documents";
    Html5Options options = new Html5Options()
        EmbedImages = false,
        OutputPath = outPath
    pres.Save(Path.Combine(outPath, "pres.html"), SaveFormat.Html5, options);