Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes in Aspose.Slides for PHP via Java 15.5.0

Public API Changes

CommonSlideViewProperties class and ICommonSlideViewProperties interface have been added

com.aspose.slides.CommonSlideViewProperties class (and its interface com.aspose.slides.ICommonSlideViewProperties) represents common slide view properties (currently view scale options).

IAxis.getLabelOffset(), setLabelOffset(int) methods have been added

IAxis.getLabelOffset(), setLabelOffset(int) methods allow to get and to specify the distance of labels from the axis. Applied to category or date axis.

IChartTextBlockFormat.getAutofitType(), setAutofitType(byte) methods have been added

Methods getAutofitType(), setAutofitType(/TextAutofitType/byte) have been added to com.aspose.slides.IChartTextBlockFormat interface. Changing of this value can produce a certain influence only for these chart parts: DataLabel and DataLabelFormat (full suport in PowerPoint 2013; in PowerPoint 2007 there is no effect for rendering).

Methods IChartTextBlockFormat.getWrapText(), setWrapText(byte) have been added

Methods getWrapText(), setWrapText(/NullableBool/byte) have been added to interface com.aspose.slides.IChartTextBlockFormat. Changing of this value can produce a certain influence only for these chart parts: DataLabel and DataLabelFormat (full suport in PowerPoint 2007/2013).

The methods to manage margins have been added to IChartTextBlockFormat

getMarginLeft(), setMarginLeft(double), getMarginRight(), setMarginRight(double), getMarginTop(), setMarginTop(double), getMarginBottom() and setMarginBottom(double) methods have been added to interface com.aspose.slides.IChartTextBlockFormat. Changing of this values can produce a certain influence only for these chart parts: DataLabel and DataLabelFormat (full suport in PowerPoint 2013; in PowerPoint 2007 there is no effect for rendering).

ViewProperties.getNotesViewProperties() method have been added

com.aspose.slides.ViewProperties.getNotesViewProperties() property has been added. It gets common view properties associated with the notes view mode.

ViewProperties.getSlideViewProperties() method has been added

com.aspose.slides.ViewProperties.getSlideViewProperties() method has been added. Its gets common view properties associated with the slide view mode.