Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes in Aspose.Slides for PHP via Java 15.6.0

Public API changes

com.aspose.slides.DataLabel constructor signature has been changed

The signature of the constructor has been changed from DataLabel(com.aspose.slides.IChartSeries) to DataLabel(com.aspose.slides.IChartDataPoint).

Members com.aspose.slides.IDocumentProperties.getCount(), .getPropertyName(int index)., .remove(String name), .contains(String name) have been marked as Deprecated; substitutions have been introduced instead

Methods IDocumentProperties.getCount(), IDocumentProperties.getPropertyName(int index)., .remove(string name), .contains(string name) have been marked as Deprecated. Methods IDocumentProperties.countOfCustomProperties(), IDocumentProperties.getCustomPropertyName(int index)., .removeCustomProperty(String name), .containsCustomProperty(string name) have been introduced instead.

Method com.aspose.slides.INotesSlideManager.removeNotesSlide() has been added

Method com.aspose.slides.INotesSlideManager.RemoveNotesSlide() has been added for removing notes slide of some slide.

Method com.aspose.slides.ISlide.getNotesSlideManager() has been added. Methods ISlide.getNotesSlide() and ISlide.addNotesSlide() have been marked as Deprecated

ISlide.getNotesSlide(), ISlide.addNotesSlide() methods have been marked as Deprecated. Use new method ISlide.getNotesSlideManager() instead.

  $slide = $$missing$;
  # notes = slide.addNotesSlide(); - deprecated
  # notes = slide.getNotesSlide(); - deprecated
  $notes = $slide->getNotesSlideManager()->getNotesSlide();
  $notes = $slide->getNotesSlideManager()->addNotesSlide();

Method getAppVersion() has been added to com.aspose.slides.IDocumentProperties

Method com.aspose.slides.IDocumentProperties.getAppVersion() has been added in order to get builtin document property, which represents internal version numbers used by Microsoft PowerPoint.

Method remove() has been added to com.aspose.slides.IComment

Method com.aspose.slides.IComment.remove() has been added for removing comment from the collection.

Method remove() has been added to com.aspose.slides.ICommentAuthor

Method ICommentAuthor.Remove has been added for removing author of comments from the collection.

Methods clearCustomProperties() and clearBuiltInProperties() have been added to com.aspose.slides.IDocumentProperties

Method com.aspose.slides.IDocumentProperties.clearCustomProperties() has been added for removing all custom document properties. Method com.aspose.slides.IDocumentProperties.clearBuiltInProperties() has been added for removing and setting default values for all builtin document properties (Company, Subject, Author etc).

Methods getBlackWhiteMode(), setBlackWhiteMode(byte) have been added to com.aspose.slides.IShape

Methods getBlackWhiteMode(), setBlackWhiteMode(byte) have been added to com.aspose.slides.IShape. The methods specify how a shape will render in black-and-white display mode. The possible values are specified in com.aspose.slides.BlackWhiteMode class.

Value Meaning
Color Return with normal coloring
Automatic Return with automatic coloring
Gray Return with gray coloring
LightGray Return with light gray coloring
InverseGray Return with inverse gray coloring
GrayWhite Return with gray and white coloring
BlackGray Return with black and gray coloring
BlackWhite Return with black and white coloring
Black Return only with black coloring
White Return with white coloring
Hidden The object is not rendered

Methods removeAt(int), remove(ICommentAuthor) and clear() have been added to com.aspose.slides.ICommentAuthorCollection

Method ICommentAuthorCollection.removeAt(int) has added for removing author by specified index. Method ICommentAuthorCollection.remove(ICommentAuthor) has added for removing specified author from collection. Method ICommentAuthorCollection.clear() has been added for removing all items from collection.