Chart class

Chart class

Represents an graphic chart on a slide.


The Chart type exposes the following members:


is_text_holderDetermines whether the shape is TextHolder_PPT.
Read-only bool.
placeholderReturns the placeholder for a shape. Returns None if the shape has no placeholder.
Read-only IPlaceholder.
custom_dataReturns the shape’s custom data.
Read-only ICustomData.
raw_frameReturns or sets the raw shape frame’s properties.
Read/write IShapeFrame.
frameReturns or sets the shape frame’s properties.
Read/write IShapeFrame.
line_formatReturns the LineFormat object that contains line formatting properties for a shape.
Note: can return None for certain types of shapes which don’t have line properties.
Read-only ILineFormat.
three_d_formatReturns the ThreeDFormat object that 3d effect properties for a shape.
Note: can return None for certain types of shapes which don’t have 3d properties.
Read-only IThreeDFormat.
effect_formatReturns the EffectFormat object which contains pixel effects applied to a shape.
Note: can return None for certain types of shapes which don’t have effect properties.
Read-only IEffectFormat.
fill_formatReturns the FillFormat object that contains fill formatting properties for a shape.
Note: can return None for certain types of shapes which don’t have fill properties.
Read-only IFillFormat.
hyperlink_clickReturns or sets the hyperlink defined for mouse click.
Read/write IHyperlink.
hyperlink_mouse_overReturns or sets the hyperlink defined for mouse over.
Read/write IHyperlink.
hyperlink_managerReturns the hyperlink manager.
Read-only IHyperlinkManager.
hiddenDetermines whether the shape is hidden.
Read/write bool.
z_order_positionReturns the position of a shape in the z-order.
Shapes[0] returns the shape at the back of the z-order,
and Shapes[Shapes.Count - 1] returns the shape at the front of the z-order.
Read-only int.
connection_site_countReturns the number of connection sites on the shape.
Read-only int.
rotationReturns or sets the number of degrees the specified shape is rotated around
the z-axis. A positive value indicates clockwise rotation; a negative value
indicates counterclockwise rotation.
Read/write float.
xReturns or sets the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the shape.
Read/write float.
yReturns or sets the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the shape.
Read/write float.
widthReturns or sets the width of the shape.
Read/write float.
heightReturns or sets the height of the shape.
Read/write float.
black_white_modeProperty specifies how a shape will render in black-and-white display mode..
Read/write BlackWhiteMode.
unique_idGets unique shape identifier in presentation scope.
Read-only int.
See also Shape.office_interop_shape_id for getting unique shape identifier in slide scope.
office_interop_shape_idGets unique shape identifier in slide scope.
Read-only int.
See also Shape.unique_id for getting unique shape identifier in presentation scope.
alternative_textReturns or sets the alternative text associated with a shape.
Read/write str.
alternative_text_titleReturns or sets the title of alternative text associated with a shape.
Read/write str.
nameReturns or sets the name of a shape.
Must be not None. Use empty string value if needed.
Read/write str.
is_decorativeGets or sets ‘Mark as decorative’ option
Reed/write bool.
shape_lockReturns shape’s locks.
Read-only IGraphicalObjectLock.
is_groupedDetermines whether the shape is grouped.
Read-only bool.
parent_groupReturns parent GroupShape object if shape is grouped. Otherwise returns None.
Read-only IGroupShape.
slideReturns the parent slide of a shape.
Read-only IBaseSlide.
presentationReturns the parent presentation of a slide.
Read-only IPresentation.
graphical_object_lockReturns shape’s locks.
Read-only IGraphicalObjectLock.
plot_visible_cells_onlyDetermines whether the only visible cells are plotted. False to plot both visible and hidden cells.
Read/write bool.
display_blanks_asReturns or sets the way to plot blank cells on a chart.
Read/write DisplayBlanksAsType.
chart_dataReturns information about the linked or embedded data associated with a chart.
Read-only IChartData.
has_titleDetermines whether a chart has a visible title.
Read/write bool.
chart_titleReturns or sets a chart title.
Read-only IChartTitle.
has_data_tableDetermines whether a chart has a data table.
Read/write bool.
has_legendDetermines whether a chart has a legend.
Read/write bool.
legendReturns or sets a legend for a chart.
Read-only ILegend.
chart_data_tableReturns a data table of a chart.
Read-only IDataTable.
styleReturns or sets the chart style.
Read/write StyleType.
typeReturns or sets the chart type.
Read/write ChartType.
plot_areaRepresents the plot area of a chart.
Read-only IChartPlotArea.
rotation_3dReturns a 3D rotation of a chart.
Read-only IRotation3D.
back_wallReturns an object which allows to change format of the back wall of a 3D chart.
Read-only IChartWall.
side_wallReturns an object which allows to change format of the side wall of a 3D chart.
Read-only IChartWall.
floorReturns an object which allows to change format of the floor of a 3D chart.
Read-only IChartWall.
text_formatReturns chart text format.
The property is not applicable for the following types: ChartType.TREEMAP, ChartType.SUNBURST,
Read-only IChartTextFormat.
theme_managerReturns theme manager.
Read-only IOverrideThemeManager.
user_shapesSpecify the shapes drawn on top of the chart.
Read-only IGroupShape.
axesProvide access to chart axes.
Read-only IAxesManager.
show_data_labels_over_maximumSpecifies data labels over the maximum of the chart shall be shown.
Read/write bool.
has_rounded_cornersSpecifies the chart area shall have rounded corners.
Read/write bool.


get_thumbnailReturns shape thumbnail.
ShapeThumbnailBounds.Shape shape thumbnail bounds type is used by default.
get_thumbnailReturns shape thumbnail.
get_imageReturns shape thumbnail.
ShapeThumbnailBounds.Shape shape thumbnail bounds type is used by default.
get_imageReturns shape thumbnail.
write_as_svgSaves content of Shape as SVG file.
write_as_svgSaves content of Shape as SVG file.
remove_placeholderDefines that this shape isn’t a placeholder.
add_placeholderAdds a new placeholder if there is no and sets placeholder properties to a specified one.
get_base_placeholderReturns a basic placeholder shape (shape from the layout and/or master slide that the current shape is inherited from).
A None is returned if the current shape is not inherited.
validate_chart_layoutCalculates actual values of chart elements. The actual values include position of elements that implement IActualLayout interface
(IActualLayout.ActualX, IActualLayout.ActualY, IActualLayout.ActualWidth, IActualLayout.ActualHeight)
and actual axes values (IAxis.ActualMaxValue, IAxis.ActualMinValue, IAxis.ActualMajorUnit, IAxis.ActualMinorUnit,
IAxis.ActualMajorUnitScale, IAxis.ActualMinorUnitScale)
create_theme_effectiveReturns an effective theme for this chart.

See Also