IChartData class

IChartData class

Represents data used for a chart plotting.

The IChartData type exposes the following members:


chart_data_workbookGets the cells factory to create cells used for chart series or categories.
Read-only IChartDataWorkbook.
seriesGets the series.
Read-only IChartSeriesCollection.
series_groupsGets the groups of series.
Read-only IChartSeriesGroupCollection.
categoriesGets the primary categories (or both primary and secondary categories
if IChartData.use_secondary_categories property is false).
Read-only IChartCategoryCollection.
use_secondary_categoriesIf false then IChartData.secondary_categories property return None and data
in IChartData.categories property is used both for primary and secondary series.
If true then data in IChartData.secondary_categories property is used for secondary series and data
in IChartData.categories property is used for primary series.
Read/write bool.
secondary_categoriesGets the secondary categories if IChartData.use_secondary_categories property is true.
Read-only IChartCategoryCollection.
data_source_typeRepresents data source of the chart
external_workbook_pathRepresents external workbook path if data source is external, None otherwise


set_external_workbookSets external workbook as a data source for the chart. Chart data will be updated from the target workbook.
set_external_workbookSets external workbook as a data source for the chart.
set_rangeSet chart data range. Series and categories will be updated based on new data range.
If amount of series in data range greater than count of series in the chart data then additional series with the same type
as a last series in the current collection will be added to the end of the collection.
get_rangeGets chart data range.
switch_row_columnSwap the data over the axis.
Data being charted on the X axis will move to the Y axis and vice versa.

See Also