SVGOptions class

SVGOptions class

Represents an SVG options.


The SVGOptions type exposes the following members:


__init__Initializes a new instance of the SVGOptions class.
__init__Initializes a new instance of the SVGOptions class specifying the link embedding controller object.


warning_callbackReturns of sets an object which receives warnings and decides whether loading process will continue or will be aborted.
Read/write IWarningCallback.
progress_callbackRepresents a callback object for saving progress updates in percentage.
See IProgressCallback.
default_regular_fontReturns or sets font used in case source font is not found.
Read-write str.
gradient_styleReturns or sets the visual style of the gradient.
Read/write GradientStyle.
ink_optionsProvides options that control the look of Ink objects in exported document.
Read-only IInkOptions
use_frame_sizeDetermines whether the text frame will be included in a rendering area or not.
Read/write bool.
Default value is false.
use_frame_rotationDetermines whether to perform the specified rotation of the shape when rendering or not.
Read/write bool.
Default value is true.
vectorize_textDetermines whether the text on a slide will be saved as graphics.
Read/write bool.
metafile_rasterization_dpiReturns or sets the lower resolution limit for metafile rasterization.
Read/write int.
disable_3d_textDetermines whether the 3D text is disabled in SVG.
Read/write bool.
disable_gradient_splitDisables splitting FromCornerX and FromCenter gradients.
Read/write bool.
disable_line_end_croppingSVG 1.1 lacks ability to define insets for markers.
Aspose.Slides SVG writing engine has workaround for that problem:
it crops end of line with arrow, so, line doesn’t overlap markers.
This option switches off such behavior.
Read/write bool.
defaultReturns default settings.
Read-only SVGOptions.
simpleReturns settings for simpliest and smallest SVG file generation.
Read-only SVGOptions.
wysiwygReturns settings for most accurate SVG file generation.
Read-only SVGOptions.
jpeg_qualityDetermines JPEG encoding quality.
Read/write int.
shape_formatting_controllerReturns and sets a callback interface which allows user to control shape conversion.
Read/write ISvgShapeFormattingController.
pictures_compressionRepresents the pictures compression level
delete_pictures_cropped_areasA boolean flag indicates if the cropped parts remain as part of the document. If true the cropped
parts will removed, if false they will be serialized in the document (which can possible lead to a
larger file)
external_fonts_handlingDetermines a way of handling externally loaded fonts.
Read/write SvgExternalFontsHandling.
disable_font_ligaturesGets or sets a value indicating whether text is rendered without using ligatures.
When set to true, ligatures will be disabled in the rendered output. By default, this property is set to false.

See Also