DocumentProperties class

DocumentProperties class

Represents properties of a presentation.

The DocumentProperties type exposes the following members:


__init__Initializes new instance of class DocumentProperties.


app_versionReturns the app version.
Read-only str.
name_of_applicationReturns or sets the name of the application.
Read/write str.
companyReturns or sets the company property.
Read/write str.
managerReturns or sets the manager property.
Read/write str.
presentation_formatReturns or sets the intended format of a presentation.
Read/write str.
shared_docDetermines whether the presentation is shared between multiple people.
Read/write bool.
application_templateReturns or sets the template of a application.
Read/write str.
total_editing_timeTotal editing time of a presentation.
Read/write System.TimeSpan.
titleReturns or sets the title of a presentation.
Read/write str.
subjectReturns or sets the subject of a presentation.
Read/write str.
authorReturns or sets the author of a presentation.
Read/write str.
keywordsReturns or sets the keywords of a presentation.
Read/write str.
commentsReturns or sets the comments of a presentation.
Read/write str.
categoryReturns or sets the category of a presentation.
Read/write str.
created_timeReturns the date a presentation was created.
Values are in UTC.
Read/write System.DateTime.
last_saved_timeReturns the date a presentation was last modified.
Values are in UTC.
Read-only in case of Presentation.DocumentProperties (because it will be updated internally while IPresentation object saving process).
Can be changed via DocumentProperties instance returning by method IPresentationInfo.read_document_properties
Please see the example in Aspose.Slides.IPresentationInfo.UpdateDocumentProperties(Aspose.Slide method summary.
last_printedReturns the date when a presentation was printed last time.
Read/write System.DateTime.
last_saved_byReturns or sets the name of a last person who modified a presentation.
Read/write str.
revision_numberReturns or sets the presentation revision number.
Read/write int.
content_statusReturns or sets the content status of a presentation.
Read/write str.
content_typeReturns or sets the content type of a presentation.
Read/write str.
hyperlink_baseReturns or sets the HyperlinkBase document property.
Read/write str.
count_of_custom_propertiesReturns the number of custom properties actually contained in a collection.
Read-only int.
scale_cropIndicates the display mode of the document thumbnail.
Set this element to true to enable scaling of the document thumbnail to the display.
Set this element to false to enable cropping of the document thumbnail to show only sections that fits the display.
Read/write bool.
links_up_to_dateIndicates whether hyperlinks in a document are up-to-date.
Set this element to true to indicate that hyperlinks are updated.
Set this element to false to indicate that hyperlinks are outdated.
Read/write bool.
hyperlinks_changedSpecifies that one or more hyperlinks in this part were updated exclusively in this part by a producer.
The next producer to open this document shall update the hyperlink relationships with the new hyperlinks specified in this part.
Read/write bool.
slidesReturns the total number of slides in a presentation document.
Read-only int.
hidden_slidesReturns the number of hidden slides in a presentation document.
Read-only int.
notesReturns the number of slides in a presentation containing notes.
Read-only int.
paragraphsReturns the total number of paragraphs found in a document if applicable.
Read-only int.
wordsReturns the total number of words contained in a document.
Read-only int.
multimedia_clipsReturns the total number of sound or video clips that are present in the document.
Read-only int.
titles_of_partsSpecifies the title of each document part.
These parts are not document parts but conceptual representations of document sections.
Read-only List[str].
heading_pairsIndicates the grouping of document parts and the number of parts in each group.
Read-only List[IHeadingPair].


get_custom_property_valueGets a named boolean value from the custom properties.
get_custom_property_valueGets a named integer value from the custom properties.
get_custom_property_valueGets a named DateTime value from the custom properties.
set_custom_property_valueSets a named boolean custom property.
set_custom_property_valueSets a named integer custom property.
set_custom_property_valueSets a named DateTime custom property.
set_custom_property_valueSets a named string custom property.
set_custom_property_valueSets a named float custom property.
set_custom_property_valueSets a named double custom property.
get_custom_property_nameReturn a custom property name at the specified index.
remove_custom_propertyRemove a custom property associated with a specified name.
contains_custom_propertyCheck presents of a custom property with a specified name.
clear_custom_propertiesRemoves all custom properties.
clear_built_in_propertiesClears and sets default values for all builtIn properties.
cloneClones current object
clone_tClones current object

See Also