Aspose.Tasks for C++ 20.10 Release Notes

Aspose.Tasks for C++ is based on the .NET version of the API and provides strictly the same functionality as Aspose.Tasks for .NET provides, excluding printing, database I/O operations, and EMF/WMF format support.

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-4453Add support for reading \ writing of cost time-phased data for resource assignments.Enhancement
TASKSNET-4447Fix IsMilestone set to true after project’s recalculationBug
TASKSNET-4438Fix TasksException “TaskEntity.Start is DateTime.MinValue…” when project is recalculatedBug
TASKSNET-4414Fix saving of task’s WBS code to Project Server \ Project OnlineBug
TASKSNET-4412Fix “Key already exists” exception when saving and reading large file to\from ProjectServerBug
TASKSNET-4411Fix concurrency issues when accessing Project ServerBug
TASKSNET-4286Fix reading \ writing of Task.NotesText from \ to Project ServerBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public methods and properties were added:Description
Aspose.Tasks.Project.Save(System.String)Saves the project data to the file in mpp format.