Aspose.Tasks for C++ 20.6 Release Notes

Aspose.Tasks for C++ is based on the .NET version of the API and provides strictly the same functionality as Aspose.Tasks for .NET provides, excluding printing, database I/O operations, and EMF/WMF format support.

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-4141Improve performance of timephased data calculationEnhancement
TASKSNET-4126Fix ‘Timescale Tier’ text styles defined in view settings are not applied when project is rendered in graphical formatEnhancement
TASKSNET-4125Add rendering of customized Gridlines for MiddleBottom Tier Column in Gantt chart viewEnhancement
TASKSNET-3081Add the ability to render 3 and 1 tier(s) on timescaleEnhancement
TASKSNET-4151Fix inability of MSP to open MPP generated by Aspose.TasksBug
TASKSNET-4134Fix excessive number of timephased data items in baseline’s TimephasedData collectionBug
TASKSNET-4132Fix calculation of actual values in CalculationMode.NoneBug
TASKSNET-4124Fix a changing of an unrelated task after linking two other tasksBug
TASKSNET-4114Fix timephased data readingBug
TASKSNET-4105Fix calculation of assignments’ work when the parent task’s work is modified.Bug
TASKSNET-4011Fix updating of extended attribute FieldId while updating attribute definitionBug
TASKSNET-4010Fix parsing of duration (Estimated, Elapsed)Bug
TASKSNET-4009Fix calculation of Duration hash codesBug
TASKSNET-3731Fix out of memory exception when saving MPP as HTMLBug
TASKSNET-3610Fix update of field data for GanttChart bar stylesBug
TASKSNET-3578Fix writing of assignment’s “Work” field for material resourceBug
TASKSNET-2415Fix incorrect reading/writing of extended attribute FieldId and SecondaryPidBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public methods and properties were added:Description
Aspose.Tasks.AssignmentBaselineCollection.Item(System.Int32)Returns the element at the specified index.
Aspose.Tasks.AssignmentBaselineCollection.Add(Aspose.Tasks.AssignmentBaseline)This is the stub implementation of ICollection’s Add method, that only throws NotSupportedException
Aspose.Tasks.BaselineCollection.Item(System.Int32)Returns the element at the specified index.
Aspose.Tasks.BaselineCollection.Add(Aspose.Tasks.Baseline)This is the stub implementation of ICollection’s Add method, that only throws NotSupportedException
Aspose.Tasks.CalendarExceptionCollection.Item(System.Int32)Returns the element at the specified index.
Aspose.Tasks.ReadOnlyCollectionBase`1.Item(System.Int32)Returns the element at the specified index.
Aspose.Tasks.ReadOnlyCollectionBase`1.Add(`0)This is the stub implementation of ICollection’s Add method, that only throws NotSupportedException
Aspose.Tasks.ResourceAssignmentCollection.Item(System.Int32)Returns the element at the specified index.
Aspose.Tasks.ResourceAssignmentCollection.Remove(Aspose.Tasks.ResourceAssignment)Removes specified assignment from the collection, if it is not read-only
Aspose.Tasks.ResourceAssignmentCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)Removes assignment at the specified index, if the collection is not read-only
Aspose.Tasks.ResourceAssignmentCollection.Add(Aspose.Tasks.ResourceAssignment)This is the stub implementation of ICollection’s Add method, that only throws NotSupportedException
Aspose.Tasks.ResourceCollection.Item(System.Int32)Returns the element at the specified index.
Aspose.Tasks.ResourceCollection.Remove(Aspose.Tasks.Resource)This is the stub implementation of ICollection’s Remove
Aspose.Tasks.TaskBaselineCollection.Item(System.Int32)Returns the element at the specified index.
Aspose.Tasks.TaskBaselineCollection.Add(Aspose.Tasks.TaskBaseline)This is the stub implementation of ICollection’s Add method, that only throws NotSupportedException
Aspose.Tasks.TaskCollection.Item(System.Int32)Returns the element at the specified index.
Aspose.Tasks.TaskCollection.Insert(System.Int32,Aspose.Tasks.Task)This is the stub implementation of IList’s Insert
Aspose.Tasks.TaskCollection.Remove(Aspose.Tasks.Task)This is the stub implementation of ICollection’s Remove
Aspose.Tasks.TaskCollection.Contains(Aspose.Tasks.Task)Checks if the collection contains a specified item.
Aspose.Tasks.TaskLinkCollection.Add(Aspose.Tasks.TaskLink)This is the stub implementation of ICollection’s Add method, that only throws NotSupportedException
Aspose.Tasks.TimephasedDataCollection.Item(System.Int32)Returns the element at the specified index. The set accessor is not supported.
Aspose.Tasks.WorkWeekCollection.Item(System.Int32)Returns the element at the specified index.
Aspose.Tasks.WorkingTimeCollection.Item(System.Int32)Returns the element at the specified index.
Aspose.Tasks.WorkingTimeCollection.Contains(Aspose.Tasks.WorkingTime)Checks if the specified element is in the List.
Aspose.Tasks.WorkingTimeCollection.CopyTo(Aspose.Tasks.WorkingTime, System.Int32)Copies a collection content into an Array, starting at a particular index
Aspose.Tasks.WorkingTimeCollection.ClearRemoves all items from collection.
The following public enumerations were added:Description
Aspose.Tasks.Visualization.Timescale.DefinedInViewUse timescale settings defined in project view’s properties