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Aspose.Tasks for C++ 21.9 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-4609Implement feature “Fit to X pages tall and Y pages wide”New Feature
TASKSNET-10333Add support for scaling with given scale factorNew Feature
TASKSNET-10344Fix ‘The start time should be not greater than the finish one’ exception when creating project from Primavera .xer fileBug
TASKSNET-4757Fix invalid position of progress rectangle in task bars in Gantt chartBug
TASKSNET-10345Fix reading of values of lookup extended attributesBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

Examples and additional notes

Related issue: TASKSNET-10333 - Add support for scaling with given scale factor

Now PageSettings.PercentOfNormalSize and PageSettings.AdjustToPercentOfNormalSize properties are taken into account when View is rendered. These properties correspond to “Adjust to X % normal size” field of “Page Setup” dialog of MS Project:

Page settings dialog

Values of these properties are stored in MPP file and one can set values of these properties to render a view with a given scale factor:

System::SharedPtr<Project> project = System::MakeObject<Project>(System::String(u"Project.mpp"));

auto ganttChartView = project->get_Views()->LINQ_FirstOrDefault([](System::SharedPtr<View> v) -> bool
	return v->get_Screen() == Aspose::Tasks::ViewScreen::Gantt;

System::SharedPtr<PdfSaveOptions> saveOptions = System::MakeObject<PdfSaveOptions>();
saveOptions->set_StartDate(System::DateTime(2021, 9, 16));
saveOptions->set_EndDate(System::DateTime(2021, 12, 31));

project->Save(u"OutputScaledTo45.pdf", saveOptions);
Related issue: TASKSNET-4609 - Implement feature “Fit to X pages tall and Y pages wide”

Now PageSettings.PagesInWidth and PageSettings.PagesInHeight are taken into account when View is rendered. These properties correspond to “Fit to X pages wide by Y tall” fields of “Page Setup” dialog of MS Project. The properties can be used to fit the rendered view to the specified number of pages in width and height:

System::SharedPtr<Project> project = System::MakeObject<Project>(System::String(u"Project.mpp"));

auto taskUsageView = project->get_Views()->LINQ_FirstOrDefault([](System::SharedPtr<View> v) -> bool
	return v->get_Screen() == Aspose::Tasks::ViewScreen::TaskUsage;

System::SharedPtr<PdfSaveOptions> saveOptions = System::MakeObject<PdfSaveOptions>();
saveOptions->set_StartDate(System::DateTime(2021, 9, 16));
saveOptions->set_EndDate(System::DateTime(2021, 12, 31));

project->Save(u"OutputFitTo2x2.pdf", saveOptions);