Aspose.Tasks for C++ 22.9 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-10648Fix ArgumentOutOfRangeException when recalculating project read from XML fileBug
TASKSNET-10638Fix exception when saving the specific XML file to MPPBug
TASKSNET-10637Fix addition of new view.Bug
TASKSNET-10633Fix recalculation error for the specific projectBug
TASKSNET-10631Fix tasks Ids when reading the specific project with null tasksBug
TASKSNET-10628Fix ArgumentOutOfRangeException when recalculating Project read from specific fileBug
TASKSNET-10606Fix reading of resource rates from XER fileBug
TASKSNET-10583Fix errors when saving specific files to MPP formatBug
TASKSNET-10634Fix NullReferenceException when saving project with added ViewBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public enumerations were added:Description
Aspose.Tasks.FileFormat.ProjectServerProject was read from Project Server or Project Online