Working with Resource Overtimes
]The Resource class exposes a number of properties for managing resource overtime:
- Overtime represents the overtime rate (decimal).
- OvertimeRate represents the overtime rate from the current date, if a rate table exists for the resource (decimal).
- OvertimeRateFormat represents the units used for the overtime rate (RateFormatType).
- OvertimeCost represents the sum of an actual and remaining overtime cost (decimal).
- OvertimeWork represents the amount of overtime work scheduled for tasks (TimeSpan).
Working with Resource Overtimes
To see overtime cost, overtime rate and overtime work in Microsoft Project:
- On the Resource sheet, select the Insert menu, and then select Column.
- Add the columns.
Getting Resource Overtimes in Aspose.Tasks
The following code example demonstrates how to get resource overtimes using Aspose.Tasks.
1// Create project instance
2System::SharedPtr<Project> project1 = System::MakeObject<Project>(dataDir + u"ResourceOvertime.mpp");
4// Display overtime related parameters for all resources
7 auto res_enumerator = (project1->get_Resources())->GetEnumerator();
8 decltype(res_enumerator->get_Current()) res;
9 while (res_enumerator->MoveNext() && (res = res_enumerator->get_Current(), true))
10 {
11 if (res->Get<System::String>(Rsc::Name()) != nullptr)
12 {
13 System::Console::WriteLine(res->Get<System::Decimal>(Rsc::OvertimeCost()));
14 System::Console::WriteLine(System::ObjectExt::ToString(res->Get<Duration>(Rsc::OvertimeWork())));
15 System::Console::WriteLine(System::ObjectExt::ToString(res->Get<RateFormatType>(Rsc::OvertimeRateFormat())));
16 }
17 }