Aspose.Tasks for Java 17.1.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Tasks for Java API enables application developers to write code for manipulating Microsoft Project documents without it being installed on the systems. It provides support for Microsoft Project (MPP/XML) as well as Primavera File Formats. Project data can be exported to a number of formats including PDF, PNG, BMP and others.

Features and Improvements

TASKSNET-1729Improve public API to simplifyworking with Custom Fields.Enhancement
TASKSNET-1737Extended attribute lookup table is not showed in XML format.Bug
TASKSNET-1723MPP cannot be loaded into Project objectBug
TASKSNET-1719False lookup table attached with an extended attribute while adding lookup with another extended attributeBug
TASKSNET-1689Wrong %Complete and ActualDuration calculated in MPP as compared to XMLBug
TASKSNET-1675Huge file size after setting baselineBug
TASKSNET-1592Extended attribute cannot be added to MPXBug
TASKSNET-1576Marking Tasks As Complete - Task Complete Indicator Not DisplayedBug
TASKSNET-707Extended attribute not saved properly to MPP fileBug
TASKSJAVA-250Wrong %Complete and ActualDuration calculated in MPP as compared to XMLBug
TASKSJAVA-281When MPP is opened and saved, custom field content is set to 0Bug
TASKSNET-707Extended Attribute not saved properly to MPP fileBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public methods and properties were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.addLookupValue(com.aspose.tasks.Value)Adds a value to the internal lookup list. This is a preferable way for manipulations with the “com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.getValueList”.
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.removeLookupValue(com.aspose.tasks.Value)Removes a value from the internal lookup list. This is a preferable way for manipulations with the “com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.getValueList”.
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.createExtendedAttribute(com.aspose.tasks.Value)Creates new extended attribute linked with specified “com.aspose.tasks.Value” item.
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.createTaskDefinition(com.aspose.tasks.CustomFieldType, com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeTask, java.lang.String)Factory method which creates a simple extended attribute definition, which Microsoft Project shows as “None”.
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.createResourceDefinition(com.aspose.tasks.CustomFieldType, com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeResource, java.lang.String)Factory method which creates a simple extended attribute definition, which Microsoft Project shows as “None”.
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.createLookupDefinitionFactory method which creates an extended attribute definition with lookup. It has “com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CalculationType” equals to “com.aspose.tasks.CalculationType.Lookup”.
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.createLookupTaskDefinition(com.aspose.tasks.CustomFieldType, com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeTask, java.lang.String)Factory method which creates an extended attribute definition with lookup.
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.createLookupResourceDefinition(com.aspose.tasks.CustomFieldType, com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeResource, java.lang.String)Factory method which creates an extended attribute definition with lookup.
com.aspose.tasks.OutlineValue.getValueGuidGets a GUID which identifies this value among others in the entire project.
com.aspose.tasks.Project.selectAllChildTasksRecursively collects all child tasks of this project.
com.aspose.tasks.Task.selectAllChildTasksRecursively collects all child tasks of this task.
com.aspose.tasks.Value.getValueGuidGets a GUID which identifies this value among others in the entire project.
com.aspose.tasks.Value.getStringValue/setStringValueGets or sets the actual value which is used to represent Text string.
com.aspose.tasks.Value.getNumberValue/setNumberValueGets or sets the actual value which is used to represent integer number.
com.aspose.tasks.Value.getDurationValue/setDurationValueGets or sets the actual value which is used to represent Duration in minutes. Default value is 0.
com.aspose.tasks.Value.getDateTimeValue/setDateTimeValueGets or sets the actual value if it can be represented as DateTime. Default value is “”.
The following public enumerations were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.CalculationType.LookupMeans the extended attribute has a lookup table to select values from.
The following public enumerations were deleted:Description