Aspose.Tasks for Java 17.11 Release Notes

Major Features

  • Option to set Image quality while saving project data to JPEG


TASKSNET-2140Add option to set image quality when saving as JPEGNew Feature
TASKSNET-2147Enum GanttBarFillPattern should have value 11 corresponding to fill pattern in MSP 2016Enhancement
TASKSNET-2109Exception raised while loading the mpp fileBug
TASKSNET-2105ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception if 24 Hours Calendar is setBug
TASKSNET-2104Program hangs while setting Tsk.Start for a TaskBug
TASKSNET-2102Wrong Actual Finish date in MPP as compared to XML outputBug
TASKSNET-2094Exception raised while saving MPX as PDFBug
TASKSNET-2093Child tasks are not rendered in PNG without saving the project firstBug
TASKSNET-2092All values of BarStyle’s From and To fields are changedBug
TASKSNET-2090Loading project file raises ExceptionBug
TASKSNET-2048Saving into image by page not working properlyBug
TASKSNET-2035Percent complete not set properly in MPPBug
TASKSJAVA-286Setting Project Start date raises ArgumentOutOfRangeException(Java)Bug
TASKSNET-1749Assignment Cost is not displayed for Cost resources in Microsoft Project 2013Bug
TASKSJAVA-269Text extended attribute created by formula is read as date by Aspose.TasksBug
TASKSNET-1716Project recalculation throws an exception with cleared ActualStart and ActualFinish propertiesBug
TASKSNET-2148MSP 2010 raises error while updating and saving MPP created by Aspose.TasksBug
TASKSNET-2144Recalculate() is updating manually scheduled tasksBug
TASKSJAVA-414Wrong finish date calculated for ElapsedDay type durationBug
TASKSNET-2136Prevent recalculation of manually scheduled tasksBug
TASKSNET-2134Wrong Actual Duration in MPP fileBug
TASKSNET-2108SplitParts collection misses time spanBug
TASKSNET-2091Sub-tasks not rendered while converting MPX to PdfA1bBug
TASKSNET-2077Wrong Finish date in XML fileBug
TASKSNET-2051Wrong Percent complete in MPP as compared to XML outputBug
TASKSNET-1785MPP shows a warning after resavingBug
TASKSNET-1748Loading project raises ProjectReadingExceptionBug
TASKSNET-1747TaskReadingException while reading the MPP fileBug
TASKSNET-702MSP 2010 raises error while updating and saving MPP created by Aspose.TasksBug
TASKSJAVA-472Problem with a setting of working daysBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following protected methods were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.TimephasedDataCollection.addInternal(com.aspose.tasks.TimephasedData,boolean)Adds TimephasedData instance to this collection object.
The following public methods and properties were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.AvailabilityPeriodCollection.contains(com.aspose.tasks.AvailabilityPeriod)Returns true if the specified item is found in this collection; otherwise, false.
com.aspose.tasks.AvailabilityPeriodCollection.copyTo(com.aspose.tasks.AvailabilityPeriod[],int)Copies the elements of this collection to the specified array, starting at the specified array index.
com.aspose.tasks.DayTypeCollection.clearRemoves all items from this collection.
com.aspose.tasks.DayTypeCollection.contains(int)Returns true if the specified item is found in this collection; otherwise, false.
com.aspose.tasks.DayTypeCollection.copyTo(java.lang.Integer[],int)Copies the elements of this collection to the specified array, starting at the specified array index.
com.aspose.tasks.Duration.equals(com.aspose.tasks.Duration,com.aspose.tasks.Duration)Returns a value indicating whether specified obj1 instance is equal to the specified obj2 instance.
com.aspose.tasks.Duration.isElapsedGets a value indicating whether time unit is elapsed.
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeCollection.clearRemoves all items from this collection.
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeCollection.contains(com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttribute)Returns true if the specified item is found in this collection; otherwise, false.
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeCollection.copyTo(com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttribute[],int)Copies the elements of this collection to the specified array, starting at the specified array index.
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeCollection.insert(int,com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttribute)Inserts the specified item at the specified index.
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection.clearRemoves all items from this collection.
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection.copyTo(com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition[],int)Copies the elements of this collection to the specified array, starting at the specified array index.
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection.insert(int,com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition)Inserts the specified item at the specified index.
com.aspose.tasks.ImageSaveOptions.getJpegQualityGets a JPEG quality.
com.aspose.tasks.ImageSaveOptions.setJpegQuality(int)Sets a JPEG quality.
com.aspose.tasks.Project.getPageCount_PageSize(int,int)Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale and PageSize.
The following fields were added to public enums:Description
com.aspose.tasks.GanttBarFillPattern.SolidFillWithDashedBorderSolid with dashed border pattern.
com.aspose.tasks.TaskKey.IsShowBeforeProjectStartDateWarningRepresents the flag which makes MSP show the warning that a task is starting before project start date.
com.aspose.tasks.TaskKey.TaskOriginalFinishRepresents the original finish (Task) field.
com.aspose.tasks.TaskKey.TaskOriginalStartRepresents the original start (Task) field.